Entitled Aunt Destroys His Siamese Fighting Fish’s Home And Life, So He Wrecks Her Most Sentimental Possession In Return
by Heather Hall
Pets can hold a special place in our hearts, no matter how small they are.
So, how would you react if a family member destroyed your pet’s home out of sheer stubbornness? Would you let it go? Or would you send a message they’ll never forget?
In today’s story, someone decides to take action after their beloved fish meets a tragic fate. Here’s what happened.
You took apart my fish tank? We both sink to the bottom.
So, to keep it simple, yesterday, I got a Siamese Fighting Fish (also known as a betta fish) named Eclipse (for obvious reasons).
I unfortunately didn’t have a proper aquarium for it.
So I made one out of a large storage container from Home Depot (Plastic), a coffee mug, sponge filter+ air pump, and a little bit of sand.
It wasn’t perfect, but it would do until I got another.
My aunt complained earlier this morning, “Why you got this big container for this small fish? It doesn’t need all that space.”
For those who don’t know, betta fish need at least a 5-gallon tank.
So, I tried explaining to her that this isn’t one of those “carnival goldfish” and needs certain criteria to thrive. And…that didn’t work.
Here’s where the issue starts.
Anyway, I leave off of school. I get a call from my girlfriend that I can have her old 30-gallon aquarium + filter and heater.
I leave 2 hours early from school to put Eclipse in his new home….. only to find that she took it upon herself to dismantle my makeshift fish tank piece by piece, leaving Eclipse dead in a Tupperware bowl filled with freezing cold water in the middle of my bedroom floor.
When I confronted her, she said, “I told you it doesn’t need all that space. That’s what fish do—they swim and die.”
This probably isn’t going to end well for them.
Once she left to run errands, I went into the living room and grabbed her picture of her deceased grandfather (the only thing she had left related to him).
I dismantled the frame, bit by bit.
And when she comes back home, where is she going to find the picture?
At the bottom of the bowl, torn in shreds, in freezing cold water, in the middle of her bedroom floor.
Sure, it might be a fish. But it was MY fish. MY money. MY joy.
Literally murdered in cold blood.
Well, tonight she’s gonna learn just how little things can make a big difference.
Swim in peace Eclipse, who lasted as long as her namesake.
Yikes! The aunt is not going to be happy when she sees this.
Let’s see how the folks over at Reddit weigh in on this situation.
Just so she never forgets.
This is an excellent point.
According to this person, they’re both awful.
Harsh words – but the person is not wrong.
That definitely crossed a line. There were plenty of ways to get even without destroying the only photo she had of her late grandfather.
After pulling that stunt, getting kicked out might just be the least of his worries.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aunt, betta fish, dead fish, family photograph, fish tank, petty revenge, picture, reddit, top

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