September 23, 2024 at 10:21 pm

Guest At An Event Would Always Bring His Drinks Outside Despite Multiple Warnings, So This Man Made Sure That He Won’t Break The Rule Anymore

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Canva

Some people find it difficult to follow the rules and would even find creative ways to break them.

This man had enough of a rule breaker in the event he was working in.

So, when the opportunity arose, he took petty revenge that ensured the guest would no longer break the rule.

Read the story below for the full details.

Don’t Want To Follow the Rules? Go Home.

This happened many years ago.

At that time, I was working at a popular tourist attraction that had a hall that could be rented after-hours for events and functions.

The hall could be accessed in a number of ways, including a doorway that opened out onto the street.

There was only one rule…

During functions, we would often use this doorway to let smokers in and out of the building.

The only rule was that they had to leave their drinks on a table near the door, since liquor wasn’t allowed on the street.

This man guarded the door to ensure that nobody brings their drinks out.

One night, we were holding a holiday party for a large bank.

For whatever reason, a number employees of this bank thought they could take their drinks out with them when they were having a smoke.

This is not legal in our city.

I was posted near the door to make sure they didn’t do this because, if they were spotted by the police or we were subjected to a random liquor inspection (it happens), we could lose our liquor license.

Now, meet DB.

One employee was particularly crappy about not following this rule.

In fact, let’s call him DB.

The very first time he attempted to bring his drink out with him, I stopped him and let him know the rule.

He looked me square in the eye and said, “What a terrible shame it is that I can’t enjoy my scotch with a cigarette.”

I looked him square in the eye back and replied,  “Yes sir. The world is in mourning. Now please, leave your drink on the table if you’re planning to go outside.”

DB would find a way to bring his drink out.

From then on, DB didn’t like me.

For the rest of the night, he would attempt to hide his drink under his coat, get his friends to distract me, or sneak in and take his drink outside when I wasn’t looking.

Every time he did this, I would quietly approach him and ask that he please take his drink back inside and leave it on the table.

Every time, he would openly mock and insult me in front of the entire group of smokers.

So he asked for the door to be locked once and for all.

The last straw happened when he got a number of his friends to walk out the door en masse with their drinks, as some sort of First World Problem Protest.

This time, after herding them all back inside, I radioed our building’s maintenance worker and asked him to lock the door.

No more smoking area.

The employees’ boss asked how to fix the problem.

DB and his friends’ howls of protest attracted the attention of their boss, who had planned (and was paying for) the event.

He asked me what the problem was and then proceeded to tell off DB and his friends for acting like a bunch of immature jerks.

He then asked me what he could do to fix this so that the smoking area could be reopened.

He had the best comeback.

I pointed right at DB and said “I want him gone.”

The boss nodded and told DB to get his jacket and go home.

I made sure to be at the coat check when he left.

I handed him his jacket and said, “Have a nice night, sir.”

Best. Feeling. Ever.

Let’s find out how other people reacted to this story.

This user is impressed.

Reddit: Source/PettyRevenge

Nice motto!

Reddit: Source/PettyRevenge

Kudos to the boss, says this one.

Reddit: Source/PettyRevenge

You betcha!

Reddit: Source/PettyRevenge

Admit it, that was pretty satisfying, right?

I imagine it must have been.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.