She Got Tired Of Her Rude Friend Living With Her But Not Paying Rent, So She Locked Her Out
by Matthew Gilligan
Sometimes in life, you have to draw a line in the sand…
And that includes with your good friends if they’re acting like jerks.
Did this woman take things too far when she locked her friend out of their apartment?
Get all the details below and see what you think…
AITA for locking my best friend out?
“There is myself (26F), my fiance F (26M), my best friend and flatmate O (27F). My fiancee and I have a 1 year old son.
O moved into our spare bedroom 2 and a half years ago with the intention of moving out within a year.
She was jobless so didn’t pay rent for the first 3 months. We consistently bought her food and other things during this time.
We had our child in January last year.
Sounds kinda rude…
In April, O decided to invite a man in, and from that day he basically lived with us.
They did not ask.
They did not offer to pay more rent.
I am a bit of a pushover when it comes to her and I let it happen. I know I am wrong for not nipping this in the bud.
Okay, she’s REALLY rude.
O missed her rent payment in December, and promised to pay it 14th Jan.
I was very understanding about this.
2 weeks ago I asked her to unblock the sink that she had blocked with her bolognese. Myself, F, and MIL had all tried to unblock it.
She refused to take responsibility and then sent me laughing emojis.
This roommate situation isn’t working anymore.
I responded with 60 days notice to find a new place and get out. F
or months now any time I ask about anything to do with the home, she responds with sassiness, refusal to take responsibility and rudeness.
My pushover side repeatedly allowed this to happen.
I asked her yesterday (14th) if she would be paying the money she owes me from December rent, and she did not respond to this message.
I asked her boyfriend to pass it onto her.
She still did not respond.
She finally had enough.
Today I noticed she was not home so I have put the chain on and text her to not come back as she clearly had no intention of paying her rent.
She is not on the lease, it was a temporary agreement between besties.
Her mother says her mental health has plummeted because of me.
I guess I’m looking to assure that I have done the right thing for my family.
AITA for locking the door and leaving my best friend homeless? I know I was wrong to my son and fiance for letting myself be walked all over.”
That was a pretty unexpected change for O, but it does sound like it’s for the best if she moves out. Maybe there would’ve been another way to go about it though.
Reddit users shared their thoughts.
This person chimed in.
Another Reddit user said she’s NTA.
Another reader agreed.
This person shared their thoughts.
And this person had a lot to say…
You can only push people so far before they SNAP!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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