Her Best Friend Has An Unusual Request For Her Wedding, And She Doesn’t Know How To Say No Without Hurting Her Friend’s Feelings
by Jayne Elliott
What would you do if your best friend tried to change your wedding plans?
That’s the situation in today’s story where one bride is trying to figure out how to say “no” to her best friend.
Let’s see how the story unfolds…
WIBTA if I don’t let my best friend walk with her boyfriend at my wedding?
24F and getting married next spring.
My best friend from childhood is one of my bridesmaids.
She is 22.
We’ve always been close even though we aren’t very alike.
She’s always been sheltered and is pretty religious.
Her best friend might have met the man she will one day marry.
About 5 months ago she got her first real boyfriend.
She is very into him and believes they will get married.
They might actually because he’s also pretty religious and sheltered.
I know for a fact that their first time being with anybody was with each other.
Her best friend has a problem with the plan for the wedding.
You know how the bridal parties enter the ceremony 2 by 2 and then have introductions during the reception?
Here’s the issue: my best friend told me that she thinks it’s disrespectful of her and me as well if she walks down the aisle or enters the reception with a groomsman (or “another man” as she puts it).
She thinks that it would be respectful of her relationship if her boyfriend walks with her for these 2 parts.
She doesn’t like her friend’s suggestion.
To be clear, she is NOT suggesting her boyfriend be in the wedding party.
She just wants to walk down with him then he will go sit in his normal spot.
I think this is a weird request and I would like to say no.
It would just make things look awkward.
She doesn’t want to hurt her friend’s feelings.
I don’t think she would decline to be a part if I say no but she will be upset and say I’m not respecting her relationship.
Before y’all say maybe it’s him putting her up to it, I don’t think so.
This is so something I can see coming from her but idk maybe it is him.
I think the bridesmaid should respect her friend, the bride, and let her make the decisions.
Let’s see how Reddit responded…
This reader thinks the best friend is being ridiculous.
Another reader thinks the friend needs to learn some wedding etiquette.
Here’s another vote for the friend not understanding how weddings work.
Another reader offered a suggestion of what to say to the friend.
Hopefully her best friend can understand that her request is out of line.
This is strange, for sure.
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Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, best friend, boyfriend, bridal party, bridesmaid, marriage, picture, reddit, top, wedding

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