September 23, 2024 at 12:21 am

Her Ex Wants To Take Their Daughter To Disneyland, But She Won’t Allow It Because He’s Unstable Amd Unpredictable

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Pexels

Separated parents have to deal with a lot when raising kids together.

Some situations work out just fine, but it’s safe to say that a lot of moms and dads don’t trust their counterparts…and some have good reason not to…

Check out this mom’s story that she posted on Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page and see if you think she’s being unfair.

AITA for not even considering letting my kid go to Disneyland with her dad?

“I (30F) have a daughter (10) who I have sole legal and physical custody of.

Her dad (33m) called her the other day and started telling her he was going to pick her up and take her to his home state, 3 states from us.

I don’t think so!

I messaged him and told him that was super not cool and that he is not allowed to take her out of the state.

He literally just got unsupervised visitation a couple months ago.

The one time he took her out of state his family called me because our daughter was feeling uncomfortable.

Our daughter has a learning disability and he kept comparing her to her younger cousin who excels in school to the point where even her aunt and uncle could see what was going on and alerted me.

This guy has a lot of problems.

My ex is schizophrenic, for a little bit more context why I have 100% custody.

He also disappeared for the first 5 or 6 years of her life on and off.

It’s why I moved states.

His state’s rent prices went to ridiculous levels and I could only afford a studio there.

I was able to buy a home here.

He even went two months without talking to her last year because he was upset he only got supervised visitation.

Kinda why I caved into unsupervised.

She put her foot down.

So, this time I refused to give in to him.

I told him he couldn’t bully me into getting his way.

He told me I was coming between their relationship.

“Maybe a trip with her father would be good to help with bonding since we barely have a relationship as is. I need some support there on your end and you have fought me every step of the way.”

Then he said he was planning on taking her to Disneyland and I’m ruining that too.

He asked me to at least consider it and I said no.

Then he told our daughter he was taking her to Disneyland and I talked to her and said “sorry. That isn’t happening.”

I feel like I’m hitting a brick wall constantly with attempting to co-parent while also keeping her safe and stable.


Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This reader said she’s NTA.

Source: Reddit

Another individual agreed.

Source: Reddit

This Reddit user had some advice.

Source: Reddit

Another individual chimed in.

Source: Reddit

And this person shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

I don’t blame her for not wanting to let this happen…

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.