Her Sister Won’t Pay Her Back The Money She Owes Her, So She’s Going To Give Her Empty Boxes For Christmas
by Matthew Gilligan
Never underestimate the time that a person is willing to wait to get petty revenge on a sibling.
It’s like an art form!
And this woman has the perfect revenge planned for her sister who ripped her off.
Check out what’s going on!
Got my sister nothing for Christmas for justice.
“I (26f) have no problem with confrontation. I’m also autistic and don’t always remember to mask my tone and facial expressions (it’s like putting on your customer service face 24/7 stuff is tiring).
As this is the case I find that my family (imo) overreact or disregard when I set a boundary or make what i think is a reasonable request. My sister (31f) and I usually bumped heads and because I’m me I’m usually marked as the aggressor.
This is nothing new…
I’m pretty tired of it to the point where I won’t bother masking when her and I bump heads because I’m seen as the aggressor even when I’m genuinely trying not to be anyway.
More than a couple of weeks ago I messaged my family group chat asking if anyone can send back the order I had made for my cat (I live over 500 miles away from them and it was accidently sent to that as it was my old address) and that I would send money for shipping.
My sister said she would so I Venmoed her $30 (again now more than a couple of weeks ago).
A few days ago I asked if she had the chance to send it yet and she said no (she’s been at the house, she lives there half the week and the other half the week with her bf of 8 years I’ve said hi to her when i called my brother to catch up who lives at home full time so i know it isn’t true).
So I messaged the family group chat asking if she could return the $30 since I’m going to be visiting for the holidays anyway, I’ll just pick it up when I get there.
My mom immediately chimed in to see if I needed money and I responded with “No I just don’t need her to send it anymore cause I realized I’m going there soon anyway”.
No response from my sister.
We send each other Christmas lists to get each other stuff we’d actually like for Christmas and I already claimed a few things on her list.
She’s not gonna like this!
Guess who’s going to get an empty box with the note “your Christmas present is the $30 you chose not to venmo me back-merry merry”?
If I’m going to be the villain anyway I’m going to have some fun with it. Too much? I’m probably going to do it anyway.”
Check out what Reddit users had to say.
This person has an idea…
Another reader chimed in.
This Reddit user spoke up.
Another Reddit user shared their thoughts.
And this person shared how they’d do it.
Sibling rivalry is alive and well!
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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