His Wife Cut Him Off On The Highway On His Morning Commute, Thinking It Was Cute, And Now She’s Upset He Wasn’t Happy To See Her
by Matthew Gilligan
I have a feeling these two might be getting in touch with a marriage counselor sooner than later…
Because it sounds like they’re not exactly on the same page.
But the question remains: did this guy do anything wrong?
Check out the story he wrote on Reddit and YOU be the judge.
AITA for not acting happy when my wife saw me on our morning commute?
“So I (31M) was driving to work this morning and I’m getting close to my exit.
I’m driving along in the middle lane, pass this slower car in the right lane and I’m about to switch lanes when the car in the right lane suddenly speeds up, blocking my access to that lane.
Automatically, I’m annoyed and I look over to see what the hell is wrong with that driver.
Oh…it’s you…
Turns out it’s my wife (30F) and she’s smiling and waving, happy to see me on her way to work.
I don’t wave back or smile – keep in mind I’m already annoyed at the driver speeding up to block my way, trying to make my exit and caught by surprise to see my wife.
My wife sends me a message when she gets to work saying she was sad I didn’t wave back, but I figured she was joking and forgot about it.
Later tonight, she brought it up and we ended up having a mini-argument over it. Turns out her feelings were actually hurt by me not acting happy to see her.
From my point of view, I was kind of annoyed because I could have missed my exit or worse, gotten in an accident.
I just don’t think the freeway at 7 am is the place to do that.
From her point of view, she was trying to make a connection and show love and I didn’t reciprocate that.
AITA for not waving back to my wife on the freeway when I was trying to change lanes and make my exit?”
Reddit users shared their thoughts.
This person said he’s an *******.
Another Reddit user agreed.
This individual chimed in.
Another reader didn’t hold back.
Well, that was awkward…
This guy needs to reexamine his priorities.
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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