His Wife Is In The Hospital But He Gets Scolded By A Classmate For Checking His Phone During Class, So He Teaches The Entire Classroom A Lesson In Priorities
by Mila Cardozo
When you’re a child, you need to ask permission to do things, such as leaving the classroom to go to the bathroom.
But a married man shares the story of how he dealt with one particularly annoying situation where he was treated like a brat by a classmate for dealing with a personal matter during class.
Let’s see what happened and how he handled it.
“You need to get your priorities straight… NOW”
I was at a training yesterday morning. 24 hours prior my wife broke her ankle. Pretty badly. Like it had to be reset.
I was with her all day that day, and yesterday during the training she was recovering from her surgery while I learned how to use “IXL”; a math program that’s pretty easy to figure out for the most part.
The night before the training my wife and I discussed the financial aspect of missing days, and though I took the day off when she broke her ankle (obviously), we both decided I would go to the aforementioned IXL training.
I get there a minute early (or fourteen minutes late according to the USAF) and situate myself.
I open up all the websites they say to, do the padlet AI welcome page drawing they request of me, and get ahead of the program.
So far, so good.
The rest of the room is jibber-jabbing as the presenter and the other district personnel meander around the room.
I see a text from my mother in law, and as she’s at the hospital with my wife I decide to look at it. “Gina” my wife is asking about my pay.
Her phone got an alert about a payment (my Rapid Card has an alert that goes to her phone) but her phone died before she could see how much.
I decided to log in to my Access page to see how much and tell her whether we are covered for the deductible that they haven’t collected yet.
It literally took like twenty seconds to do this, and of course, this is when miss Low Glasses decides to pretend she’s my teacher.
She pokes me on the shoulder repeatedly (I’m pretty sure she thinks she’s tapping me, but it’s uber aggressive) and says “You need to look at the screen she’s showing you!”.
I start to comment back by saying “Sorry I was j-”
When she interrupted me abruptly, shouting enough for God and Satan to hear “You need to get your priorities straight!!”
Wow. Imagine getting scolded by a classmate. This is a crazy situation.
Enter Malicious Compliance.
I was so embarrassed and mad at the same time. It was totally uncalled for.
It was when everyone was jibber-jabbing, and it was to check on an important time-sensitive thing.
It made me realize that, yes, I DO need to get my priorities straight…
He is about to teach the entire classroom a lesson in how to be a sane person.
I replied, just as loudly, as I had everyone’s ear now: “You know what? I DO need to get my priorities straight. My wife’s in the hospital! I’ll be leaving now.” and I walked out.
The lady looking at me through her lowered glasses scoffed, and the other district personnel pulled her aside and chided her as I walked out.
One of my homies yelled out “Love you! It’s gonna be fine, text me” as I left.
I think he handled the situation very well!
Let’s see what Reddit has to say.
This commenter shares kind wishes.
This commenter reminisces about something.
A person pointed out this could have been dangerous for the ‘low glasses lady’.
This user understands how tough it is to go through such a situation.
This commenter shares how they dealt with a similar situation – really well, in my opinion.
That’s right!
A teacher shares their point of view.
That clueless lady learned a lot during this class!
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · annoying, annoying coworker, bad teacher, malicious compliance, picture, reddit, top

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