Neighbor’s Tree Falls On A Family’s House After A Hurricane, So They Ask The Neighbors To Help Pay For Its Removal. When They Refuse They Leave The Tree Right On The Neighbor’s Lawn.
by Ryan McCarthy
As someone who has lived through quite a few Hurricanes, they can do some serious damage.
I once was driving home as a kid during a particularly bad summer hurricane, and a tree fell right in front of our car, and once we stopped, another tree fell right behind it!
But when this user was left with their neighbor’s tree on their roof after a hurricane, they gave their neighbors the option to help remove it, when they refused, they had to pay for it all themselves!
Check it out!
Don’t wanna help us pay to get your tree off of our house? Well you can pay to get it taken away
I live in the northeast, and Hurricane Sandy hit my area pretty hard. We got lucky in that we didn’t have a lot of damage to our house itself.
Our fences were destroyed and that was pretty much it… Except for a 50-60ft pine tree from our crotchety neighbors’ property that fell on top of our house.
There was no structural damage luckily, but the tree definitely got in the way of getting in and out of the house inconvenient.
And while their neighbor had the insurance to move the tree, they were too cheap to pay for its disposal!
Our homeowner’s insurance would pay to move the tree off off our house and into the neighbors’ yard (since the tree was theirs) , but they would have to pay for the tree’s disposal.
The tree removal service that our insurance sent us told us it would only cost an extra $200 to have the tree disposed of (instead of the usual $600) because they would already be on site.
So my mom, out of the kindness of her heart, called our neighbor to ask if he would be willing to pay us that $200 plus an extra $100 or so to help with the insurance deductible.
This would effectively save them 300 smackeroos.
The neighbors didn’t exactly see the beauty of the deal that they were getting…
Before even considering how this arrangement would benefit them, the husband berated my mom for begging them for money to deal with a problem that wasn’t theirs to deal with.
Mama bear took this in stride and didn’t even to try to change his mind. After all, she didn’t have to pay to get the tree disposed of.
Either way it was going to be removed from our house, so she just told the tree service to lay the tree in the neighbors’ yard for them to deal with.
But apparently they weren’t too happy with the alternative either!
We got an angry phone call the next day asking why we didn’t have the tree taken away.
My mom told the neighbor that he had the opportunity to save $300 but he didn’t want it.
They ended up having to pay $600 to get another crew to come back out to the house and take the tree out of there.
That wasn’t the end of the whole dispute…
It’s also worth noting that the tree destroyed the fence between our two properties which belonged to the neighbors.
The original fence was short and really only served to mark the property line, but after this fiasco, they put up a solid 7′ fence.
I guess because being able to see into our yard reminded them of the money they could have saved.
And to think, OP’s Mom was trying to help them, and all she got was yelled at for her kindness. Serves those people right!
This Redditor said that there are rules around them that prevent from this type of thing from happening.
This user said if the neighbors were smart about it, they wouldn’t have had to pay at all.
Finally, this user said that all things considered, OP’s Mom could have started with the situation. But where’s the fun in that?
I bet they wished they paid.
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