September 12, 2024 at 6:21 pm

Rich Coworker Constantly Brags About His World Travels, But This Guy Calls Him Out for His Privilege

by Heather Hall

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/Erik Odiin

For some people, sharing their accomplishments is just a way to make small talk. But not everyone sees it that way – some may think you’re bragging about your privilege.

So, how would you handle it if a new coworker kept pushing you to weigh in on an achievement that, in your eyes, was more about having rich parents than personal effort?

Would you keep quiet?

Or would you let them know what you really think?

In the following story, a young man finds himself in this exact situation and decides to speak his mind.

Let’s see how it played out.

AITA for telling someone that his “achievement” just meant that he had rich parents?

I (23m) have been with my current company for a year now. Recently, a new guy (Jack) joined our team fresh out of college.

Last Friday, my manager invited everyone to a bar after work. There, Jack told everyone about his achievement over spring break: he visited his 150th country (Cambodia).

In contrast to everyone else, who was asking things such as “What was the best/worst/strangest thing you ate,” “Which countries were your favorite,” and “Any cool stories?” I just said, “Good for you,” and went back to my drink.

Jack pushed and got more than he bargained for.

Jack noticed me being quiet and asked me why I wasn’t joining in.

I said, “Don’t worry about me,” but Jack kept pressing the issue.

I finally said, “Jack, visiting 150 countries is cool and all, but it doesn’t say anything about you as a person. It just means you had rich parents who could afford to travel internationally several times a year.”

I grew up poor, (literally) worked my rear off in high school, got a full-ride merit scholarship, and did everything humanly possible to land my current 6-figure job.

Here’s why he was so rude.

Rich people who think they’re better than everyone else just because they had rich parents is a HUGE pet peeve of mine.

But my coworkers don’t know any of that since I like to keep work and my personal life as separate as possible.

Jack got really quiet after that and left soon afterward.

Now it’s Monday morning, and I’m wondering if I should’ve just kept my mouth shut.


Wow! Well, that’s one way to handle the situation.

Let’s see what the folks over at Reddit had to say about this.

This person has some pretty harsh words about his behavior.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Here’s someone who’s on his side.

Source: Reddit/AITA

According to this person, he was not out of line at all.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person feels he should have been polite and let the conversation naturally run its course.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Sometimes, saying less is more.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.