She Hired A Driver To Pick Up Her Family, But When The Driver Went The Wrong Direction Multiple Times, She Decided To Play His “Game”
by Jayne Elliott
Hiring a driver to take you from point A to point B is as easy as a few clicks on an app, but that’s not the case in today’s story.
One family just wants to go to the lake, but the trip ends up taking longer than it should.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Try to cheat me on my trip? Enjoy circling the city for free
This happened just now when I called a bolt driver to pick up my family for a ride to the local lake.
As some background info: The app became very successful where I live because the cars are cleaner and the drivers usually friendlier than those of the taxi cab companies.
Some taxi drivers caught on and switched companies believing they could continue their shady ways there: taking detours to increase the cost, having personal stuff in the cargo bay, smoking while driving, you get the gist of it.
OP decides to take a car service called bolt.
To the story: My family wanted to go swimming in the lake which is located on the other side of our city.
My sister wanted to take the bus but I suggested a bolt, because the bus station has no shade and there are some constructions being done to the road leading to us.
My husband and son obviously agree because neither like the bus and the car would be faster.
So I order a driver.
The app says it’ll take him about 6 minutes because he needs to finish another ride. Nothing uncommon, no worries.
The driver seems to be taking a long time to pick them up.
My son is exited, hubby and sis are optimistic so we chat away.
After about 2 minutes my son asks to watch the progress which he often does and suddenly wonders why the driver is further away.
I take a look and, indeed, the driver went the opposite direction passing a store.
We surmise that there might have been a construction site too or that he wanted to bypass ours and continue chatting.
OP assumed the delay was due to construction.
After another 2 minutes I check my phone and notice him circling a kindergarten.
Maybe he wanted to take a shortcut and noticed he couldn’t get through? We continue our conversation.
After some more minutes I see the driver getting to a crossing which might lead our way.
Finally! The city must be full of construction sites today.
OP sends the driver a message.
I relax a little but to my surprise he continues ahead, towards the train station, not us.
At this point I realize that he doesn’t intend to pick us up.
He intends for me to get bored and cancel the ride in which case he gets a fee anyway.
I start fuming.
I write him a message stating that I noticed him having difficulties getting to my location and that I do not mind him canceling so that someone else might come.
The driver still doesn’t head to their house.
The driver doesn’t reply but gets on the next main street. Possible directions: one way towards us, the train station a little further away, a big hardware store very far away.
He chooses the hardware store.
I try to call him but he doesn’t answer.
OP decides to play the driver’s “game.”
At this point I’ve had enough.
The driver already wasted about 11 minutes of our time, the bus was long gone by now, too.
My husband calls another car on his phone while I write a complaint to the app including a screenshot of the driver and his car and decide to wait.
This driver is not going to drive me anywhere but I’m not going to cancel now.
I will let him get to the corner of my street and then cancel.
After all, two can play this game.
The original driver ended up canceling.
My husband’s car gets to us in less than 5 minutes.
In all this time my driver continues to take the scenic route.
After a total of 16 minutes he’s got enough and cancels himself.
I am very happy to have ruined 16 minutes of this man’s life after he tried to cheat me for my money.
Thanks God I wasn’t in a rush otherwise I might have been forced to pay the cancellation fee.
So does the driver just drive around randomly all day hoping people cancel their reservation? I’d think it would be better just to do your job!
Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…
Apparently this type of problem happens a lot.
Another person shared a similar story.
Yet another reader shared a similar story of woe.
This person had a different problem with a driver…
This reader offered a possible reason why the driver didn’t show up.
What is it with drivers? Just do your job.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bolt, car service, construction, driver, petty revenge, picture, reddit, top

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