September 22, 2024 at 3:50 am

She Told Parents She Couldn’t Do a Chore, And When They Insisted She Got Revenge By Vacuuming At 6 a.m.

by Heather Hall

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/cottonbro studio

Living with your parents as an adult can come with its fair share of frustrations, especially when it comes to personal time and chores.

So, what would you do if your parents demanded you complete a big chore on a day you explicitly told them you weren’t available?

In the following story, a daughter finds herself in this exact situation.

Here’s how it played out.

Get mad because I didn’t do a chore the 1 day I specifically told you I wasn’t home? Have fun sleeping!

I am 18 and still living with my parents. I am employed full-time and pay $300 rent per month. Part of paying rent is helping out with chores around the house.

In my house, I give my parents three days where I am free to do a list of chores.

This week, I gave my parents the list of days I can do chores and made sure they understood that Wednesday and Thursday are both days I have no time.

I will not be home and cannot help around the house on those two days (working late/plans during the day).

So Wednesday morning I wake up and am about to run out the door and my mom leaves me a note saying I need to vacuum the whole house (we live in a pretty big house around 4500 square feet so this is no small task) before I leave.

Her parents were not having it.

I leave the house anyway, and once I get to work, I quickly call my mom before my shift starts, saying it’s not reasonable to give me a large chore like that on a day when I know I have no time.

She says I’m just going to have to find time to do it anyway.

Fast forward to Wednesday night around 11 p.m. when I get home, and my parents are still up and fuming because the house hasn’t been vacuumed.

I try to explain that it’s unreasonable for me to do that on a day where they knew I had a maximum of 10 minutes at home, but they’re not having any of it and tell me I have to do it before I leave Thursday morning.

Here’s where her pettiness kicks in.

I tell them I need to leave at 7 a.m. because I have plans and I told them far in advance about my plans.

They say I’m just gonna have to change them. Whatever.

I wake up at 6 a.m. (my parents usually wake up at around 8 and NEED their sleep) and vacuum the whole house, including inside their bedroom, waking everyone up with our super loud and annoying vacuum.

After all, that is what they wanted from me. I vacuumed the house before I left the house in the morning.

Yikes! That’s one way to get your point across.

Let’s check out what the folks over at Reddit had to say about this.

This person gets it.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Here’s someone who doesn’t get why they pay rent and do chores.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

According to this person, they’re teaching a life lesson.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Great alternate solution.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

They definitely deserved that.

Maybe next time, the parents will plan the chores better.

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.