They Gave a Coworker Lift, But He Stole The Change Out Of Their Car. So They Dropped Him At A Gas Station And Peaced Out.
by Matthew Gilligan
I had a friend once and they said that they got into an argument with a coworker they were carpooling with.
They got so annoyed by him that they left him at a fast food place because they couldn’t take it anymore.
What a power move!
And apparently, he’s not the only one who’s doing it…
Check out this story from Reddit: we think you’ll get a kick out of it!
Left a coworker stranded an hour away from his home at a store.
“This guy I worked with asked for a ride home after our shift, we both live in the same town, so I said sure.
He said after work he had to get something at a store close by.
Work ends we get in my car and I needed to stop for gas. I get to the gas station and fill my tank, I paid by CC at the pump.
After I am done filling my tank I hit the yes button for a receipt and the machine says must go inside for one.
I go inside and get my receipt.
I get back in the car and I drive to the store, when I get to the store the coworker gets out and says he will be a few minutes.
After a few minutes of waiting I notice my cup holder of loose changes is empty.
I am mad and think who does he think he is to steal from me after I was doing him a favor.
I think screw him, he can find his own way home and I drive off.
He had it coming!
Next day at work he confronts me and calls me an ******* for ditching him like that cause he had to wait five hours to get picked up.
I say to him, hope the five hour wait was worth the three dollars in change he stole from me.
He ends up telling all our coworkers I ditched him for stealing three dollars from me.
The co-workers all gave me **** for it so I ended up quitting the job a week later.”
And this is what Reddit users had to say.
This person nailed it.
Another individual shared their thoughts.
This person was confused.
Another reader made a good point.
Thou shall not steal…
Remember that one?
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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