September 27, 2024 at 2:21 pm

Ex-Husband Decided To Sell Some Property He Was Awarded In The Divorce, But His Ex-Wife Is Upset That He Didn’t Tell Her Ahead Of Time Because She Wanted To Buy A Part Of It Back

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Divorce can be hard, and in most cases, neither party is going to walk away with everything that they want.

What happens when you decide to sell some property you won in the divorce, and your ex is upset that you didn’t tell them before selling it?

That is what the person in this story is dealing with and he is wondering if he might have handled it poorly.

Check it out.

AITA for not asking my ex-wifes opinion before I demolished the cottage and sold the land she inherited?

Me (31M) and my ex wife (36F) finalised our divorce 3 years ago and she got to keep my apartment in Barcelona.

I got a decent payout (since it’s Barcelona real estate) and the 2 acres of land she had inherited near the Pyrenees, France.

Let us be clear: I did not win that fight. Even with land sale and the payout combined, the apartment is still worth well more than triple that sum.

I had a job on the coast where I lived the last 4 years.

I would never allow my ex to visit my property like that.

My ex continued to “squat” the cottage for her holidays and getaways even though she knew I hated it, but I wasn’t living there so the cops weren’t gonna be useful.

My fiancée and I were sick of living in town, we’d been talking about moving into forest isolation for ages and the lockdown was the last straw.

I told my ex I was moving to the cottage, to collect what she had left behind and say her final goodbyes.

The cottage wasn’t suited to my fiancées needs, and we needed more land to grow and build everything we wanted.

So we found a bigger plot, and I sold mine to pay for it.

Sounds like a great deal.

The buyer offered more than asking price but he wanted no infrastructure on it.

Easy money I demolished and removed everything ASAP. (Edit: we sold fast because we wanted to buy fast before others could).

My ex went there a while ago and found the land fenced off, no cottage and landscaping being redone.

She was distraught, felt betrayed, heartbroken that I sold, and to someone who nuked it all.

It is really none of her business at this point.

She said I should have asked her opinion on the buyer or found alternatives to selling as she had deep emotional attachment to the land and many plants were there thanks to her family and herself.

And now she no longer had her safe place in France should Spain get progressively more unstable like it’s currently evolving.

I agreed that I should have told her I sold but not with the rest.

If money isn’t everything, she should have been willing to spend more.

I could have asked her if she wanted to buy it, but when she saw what it had sold for, she confessed she would have refused to buy it for more than her grandfather did and “money isn’t everything, heritage matters”.

I was not about to argue with that level of delusion and hypocrisy so I stayed silent and let her vent.

Its been weeks and my ex still cries about it.

Maybe I should have given her a chance to fight for it.

She was never going to out-bid anyone but she may of had an easier time letting go had things been different.

Saying that, I didn’t want to deal with her theatrics or have her putting off buyers.

I have no regrets, I bought what my fiancée and I wanted, and if my ex was so set on the land, and it was her safe house, she should have negotiated better.

She chose to keep my inheritance in exchange for hers.

Absolutely, she is the ex-wife, no need to listen to her cry.

I think she needs to suck up the consequences of her decisions and start understanding what it means to be an ex-wife.

So yes, I should have told her I was selling.

Who I sold to was legally none of her concern.

But AITA for not asking her opinion before putting it on the market, or not telling her what the buyer planned to do?


I don’t see why it is any of her business, or why she was allowed to go there at all.

Let’s see what others in the comments have to say.

Yeah, can’t have it all.

Source: Reddit/AITA

I thought the same thing, he needs to distance himself.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Yup, he didn’t need to tell her anything.

Source: Reddit/AITA

She fought for what she wanted, and now she isn’t happy.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Yup, it isn’t hers anymore!

Source: Reddit/AITA

This guy needs to spend less time thinking about his ex!

And it’s past time for her to move on.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.