September 19, 2024 at 9:46 pm

Thoughtless Roommate Always Leaves All His Smart Bulbs On, So His Fed-Up Roommate Messes With His Setup So He Has To Turn Dozens Of Lamps Off Manually

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Canva/Africa Images, Reddit/Petty Revenge

In the age of smart tech, convenience can sometimes come at a price – both a monetary and emotional one.

A renter’s roommate’s obsession with smart bulbs – and his inability to turn them off – forced him to concoct a petty revenge plan that would send his roommate back to the dark ages, so to speak.

Read on for all the details.

Leave all the lights on? I will “forget” to turn them off the way you want

My roommate is obsessed with Alexa smart plugs. He has every room in the house connected to them.

We live in an old house without much overhead lighting, so we have tons of lamps.

“Alexa turn on the living room lights” They all come on at once! “So efficient!” he says.

Although, he always forgets one key detail.

While he loves turning on the lights, he never ever ever remembers to turn them off.

Every time I come home, every single light in the house is on.

His bad habits are starting to impact this renter in more ways than one.

His work from home area is across the hall from my bedroom.

If those lights are on (3 lamps), it shines under my door and is angled just right to blast me in the face and interfere with me sleeping.

He is forever going out and leaving those #%$@ lights on. Which I then turn off so I can sleep in peace.

Don’t even get him started on his roommate’s cleanliness.

Well, his work area is also a complete mess. Papers and cords and empty boxes and who knows what all over the floor.

Crossing the room is like playing floor is lava.

I’m feeling especially annoyed with ALL THE LIGHTS and ALL THE MESS.

So he hatches a scheme.

However, I’ll brave the obstacle course and turn off each light off at the lamp rather than tell Alexa to do the whole room at once.

Which means the next time he wants to turn on those lights, Alexa can’t help him.

His roommate is gonna have to do some work for once.

He too will have to make his way to each lamp individually.

My petty revenge.

This roommate’s love for smart plugs was met with a healthy dose of manual labor.

Redditors took to the comments.

This redditor suggests sabotage.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This redditor proposes a three-part plan.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

If the roommate is so tech-obsessed, he should know about all the options.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

While revenge is fun, compromise is needed for long-term peace.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

After turning off dozens of lights one by one, maybe the roommate will finally understand the value of conservation.

That’s one way to shed light on a bad situation.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.