Her Ex Moved Out And Said He Wanted Everything He Ever Bought, So She Packed Up The Booze He Had Been Hiding. Now His Family Is Surprised Because They Thought He Was In Recovery.
by Michael Levanduski
Going through a breakup can be hard, and unfortunately, it can bring out the worst in people.
What happens when your ex demands EVERYTHING they bought back when they move out of your house?
Well, if you’re this woman, you give your ex exactly what he asked for.
Check it out.
He wanted ALL his stuff back, so I made sure he got everything.
So my last relationship was beyond bad, he was all sorts of abusive and controlling.
It happens all too often.
At one point I had the strength to break up with him but then we got back together after we discussed some things.
Stupid I know, but yeah love and all that.
That’s an important step.
Well anyways one of the things we agreed on was that he and I would stop drinking alcohol because he was beyond crazy aggressive when he drank, and I wanted to support his sobriety.
This is REALLY important.
About time!
Fast forward about eight months or so and we got into a huge fight and I not only broke up with him, I kicked him out of the house and told him he wasn’t ever allowed back inside.
We’d been living together over a year at this point so his mom got in touch with me about getting his stuff.
While on the phone with her I could hear him in the background saying, “make sure they get everything I own or bought. I want it all back.”.
Apparently even stuff he gifted me he wanted back, but honestly I didn’t care, I was happy to get rid of anything related to him.
Why am I not surprised.
While cleaning our room up and gathering EVERYTHING I started to come across numerous bottles and cans of alcohol.
It seems he had been drinking again for a while and was hiding the evidence in the room.
I mean he was hiding them under the bed, in his guitar case, rolled up in his clothes, in some old backpacks of mine and so on and so forth.
He had said he wanted everything of his, so any bottle and the few unopened cans I found went straight into one of the garbage bags of his stuff.
By the time I had gathered everything up, I had 3 bags of stuff and one was basically all just the alcohol.
Dropping them off was just so satisfying.
I guess his secret is out.
He actually called moments after I left his parents place ranting about how petty and immature I was being.
My response? “Well you wanted all of your stuff back, and those definitely weren’t mine. Plus I figured you’d probably need a drink to deal with the breakup.”.
I promptly ended the call and blocked him on everything.
Most satisfying thing I’ve ever done.
Why is he so upset if he got exactly what he asked for?
Let’s see if the comments have any insights.
Getting rid of the poison.
Now this is petty revenge.
Cleaning can be healing.
Yes, go all out!
Why so mad?
You got what you asked for!
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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