A Dad Asked A Group Of Women To Leave So His Son Can Get Dressed In Private, But His Ex And The Hospital Staff Don’t Understand
by Heather Hall
When it comes to personal boundaries, especially for kids, comfort and privacy should always be a priority.
So, how would you react if your young son was uncomfortable changing clothes in front of others, even if they were family?
In the following story, a father finds himself in this exact predicament.
Let’s see how he chose to handle it.
AITA for telling a group of women to leave my son’s hospital room so I could dress him in private?
My 9yo son Loren had his appendix removed this morning.
He had a basic understanding of the surgery, but the only hang-up he had was having to wear nothing but a hospital gown.
No socks or underwear.
When we got to the hospital room to get him prepped, he told his mom/my ex, and her sister/his aunt to turn or to leave when he had to undress.
Obviously, he was fine with my being there and needed help.
After the surgery, me, my ex, her sister, her 13yo niece, and my 18yo son were in the recovery room. He was waiting for Loren to sober up and get discharged.
He started to come to and whispered to me that he wanted to put clothes on because he wasn’t comfortable wearing nothing but a gown in front of three girls.
Suddenly, everyone got offended.
At that same time, a female nurse came in to get his vitals and was talking to my ex.
I asked if they could all step outside so I could help Loren get dressed. They looked bewildered at my request.
The nurse then said she’d help me dress him because my son was still a bit weak.
I said no thanks. My teen son will help out.
She asked if I was serious about asking her to leave over this, and I said yes. My son doesn’t feel comfortable getting dressed in front of four females.
The nurse said she’s been a nurse for years and hasn’t heard of anything crass.
I said, “You’re comfortable; my son isn’t, and your being insensitive is what’s crass and clueless.”
They said I was being dramatic.
They left, and my other son and I got him dressed.
Upset, his ex asked for an apology.
My ex called me and said that I owed her and everyone else an apology.
I refused. I said if the roles were reversed, then you’d have a very different opinion.
Also, Loren has to take a bath for the next few days, and she was crazy if she was expecting Loren to let her wash him or even be in the bathroom with him.
It’s different with me, his brother, or his friends, and I don’t have to convince her for me to be right.
Well, he was only doing what the child wanted – nothing wrong with that.
Let’s see how the fine folks over at Reddit responded to the situation.
This person gets it.
Here’s an excellent point!
According to this person the nurse should be turned in for being unprofessional.
From a mother’s perspective.
The father did the right thing!
It’s only right that the son’s request for privacy was approved, and no one should be upset about it.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, appendix removal, getting dressed, hospital room, picture, privacy, reddit, top, young boy

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