Homeowner Wouldn’t Stop Calling The Cops On Neighborhood Kids, So They Convinced Her They Were Doing A Stakeout With A Private Investigator
by Matthew Gilligan
Guess what time it is?!?!
It’s time to read another story from Reddit that deals with a neighbor who doesn’t know how to mind their own business!
And let me tell you, this one has a pretty great payoff.
Check out what happened!
Dealing with a nosy/toxic neighbor, using a brother in law and a decommissioned hearse.
“We had just moved in to our new house, in a small and nice, but not posh, neighborhood.
Our neighbor “Betty” was aggravated from the very beginning.
She had a perfect view of the neighborhood playground, (as did we) but she really didn’t like the fact that kids would enjoy themselves on said playground.
You know the type…
In the first 2 months of us being there, she called the cops on the kids playing 3 times.
Needless to say the officers were not very content with her either.
But every time she would say something about drugs, violence etc. the police to take action.
I finally confronted her and told her that the kids had every right to play there, and that she should get her **** together or move out to the country.
She then went on a toddler’s tirade, and said that she would hire a “private investigator” to keep an eye on things as she had “other, more important things to do, anyway”.
Keep in mind that Betty was a senior citizen – so of course my conscience would not allow me to have her pay for such an inconvenience.
Luckily for her, my brother in law was just out of a job and needed something to pay the bills.
And as I had set out to make my neighbor as happy as possible, I thought I could get two birds with one stone.
This was going to be interesting.
So I rang him up, and within two days we had set up the new company “Tommy’s PI office ”.
My BIL is a bit scruffy looking, wearing mostly overalls and crocs, but I figured he would be perfect for the job as no-one would suspect him being a PI.
I then went along and got him a company car, (as he might have to pursue the 10yo’s playing on the swings and dealing heroin in their spare time)
Luckily we found this magnificent beast, which would be perfect for a good long stakeout.
A hearse!
Fortunately for me I got a family discount, so I didn’t have to put down a lot in wages, and the hearse was just over a 1,000 bucks.
So we placed Tommy and his new company-hearse in front of Betty’s house (public road).
So she would no longer have to worry about keeping an eye on the small criminals across the street.
Within 2 weeks, she finally got enough of people “checking in on her,” and politely asked Tommy if he would give up his stakeout.
We didn’t get more complaints after that.”
Here’s what readers had to say on Reddit.
This person weighed in.
Another individual shared their thoughts.
This person spoke up.
Another reader had a lot to say.
And this person…wants a hearse.
This is gonna make you LOL.
We guarantee it!
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · FUNNY, malicious compliance, neighbors, nosy, picture, private eye, reddit, top, viral

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