October 21, 2024 at 3:48 am

She Wants To Quit Her Job After Their Second Baby Is Born, But Her Husband Thinks She Should Be Doing More

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/AITA/pixabay/ Cparks

Back in the day, most women stayed home with the kids while their husbands went to work.

Now, a lot of times both parents work.

In today’s story, a woman wants to quit her job and stay home with the kids, but her husband thinks that’s a bad idea.

Let’s see how the story unfolds…

AITA for telling my wife she can’t quit her job?

My wife and I have been married for five years, we have a 2yo, and another child on the way.

My wife just recently hit me with the idea that she wants to quit her job after the baby comes.

I told her I don’t think that’s possible.

Admittedly, I kind of just rejected the idea immediately, which made her mad, but that’s because I’m already feeling a bit overwhelmed.

They have a bigger house then he would’ve liked.

For context, when we got married, my wife insisted that we buy a big house with a lot of property.

She also insisted that we get two dogs and three horses against my judgement.

The house was expensive and the understanding was that my wife was going to work full time.

Since the birth of our first, she dropped down to part time (3 days per week) and has thrust basically everything else on me.

He has a LOT to do.

I do all the lawn care for our huge property.

It takes me 7+ hours per week, care for the three horses she wanted, take care of the dogs, do the laundry, clean the house, do the dishes, take out the garbage, cook 75% of the meals, do all the house-related projects.

We live in an old farmhouse because that’s what my wife wanted and the projects never end – I spend every weekend fixing something – split the firewood, fix the barn, maintain the cars, and read to our child every night so my wife can have some alone time.

He wonders if he should let his wife quit.

To pay for my wife to drop down to part-time, I took on a second job and some weeks work 14-hour days.

Honestly, I’m tired, but my wife’s suggestion was that I could just pick up a couple more hours of overtime at my first job (it does pay really well because my boss likes me) so she could just quit her job.

Now she says I don’t care about our family because I told her she can’t quit.

AITA and need to just man up and make this happen?

I wonder if maybe there’s some sort of compromise, like his wife working from home part time or picking up some of the household chores since she wouldn’t be working.

Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…

This reader thinks he should’ve stood up to his wife in the past.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader thinks he and his wife need to talk.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This reader thinks he should discuss the consequences of quitting with his wife.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader thinks he is working way too hard.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It doesn’t seem like there’s a very good balance in workload between these two spouses.

Time for a serious talk!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.