October 17, 2024 at 9:48 pm

Tenant In A Condo Complex Yelled At This Man For “Stealing” Their Parking Spot, But Then Got Evicted For Doing Illegal Activities

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Canva

Living close to others can be a mixed bag, and parking seems to be a hot button issue.

This man shares how a tenant in the condo complex they were staying in called them out and yelled at them over a parking spot.

When his dad confronted the tenant, he found out that they were doing something illegal, so they got kicked out.

Read the story below for all the details!

Yell at us for parking in a “Reserved” space? Get arrested and evicted

Last winter, around January, my family, close friends, and I were staying at our condo in Vermont for New Year’s to celebrate and ski.

My dad owns the 8-unit complex our condo is in, and all but one had people up for the holidays.

There’s a decent amount of area for parking, but when there’s a lot of people there at once, it can get tight.

They parked their car in the spot nearest to the stairs.

So one night, after returning from the mountain, we parked in the spot closest to the stairs to unload everything easier.

Our parking lot isn’t one with actual spots or anything, because its just gravel and dirt.

So it’s really just eyed out, and on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Then, this man’s brother saw a sign taped to their car.

A few hours later, my brother went to the car to get something, and there was a cardboard sign left on the car.

The sign read: “RESERVED parking for Unit 8. Hadicapped!!” on both sides.

And yes, they forget the “N” in handicapped on both sides as well.

Meet Rick and Tara, the occupants of Unit 8.

Like I said, there’s no specific spots for anyone.

Unit 8 was one of the smaller units on the ground level, about half the size of the rest.

The couple that rented there was “sketchy,” to say the least.

They had to be in their mid-twenties, but we never saw them much, and didn’t know too much about them.

Let’s just call them Rick and Tara.

This man got a threat from Rick.

Another 20 minutes later, I go down to the car to get some forgotten gloves.

As I unlock the car, the lights alert them that someone’s at the car.

And through the window, Rick starts yelling at me, telling me I have to move the car by the morning or they’d have it towed.

At this point, I can also realize that Rick is off to something, so I subsequently ignore him, grab my things, and head back up.

So, his dad decided to talk to them.

I get into the condo and explain to my dad the experience I just had with Rick.

At this point, he’d had enough, and decided he was gonna go down there to handle things himself.

So, he goes down there to talk to him.

He explained that the parking spaces are on a first-come-first-serve basis.

My dad was really the only person that had met them before, but it was briefly during the leasing of their unit.

He knocks on the door, and it’s about 30 seconds until Rick angrily answers.

He crankily asks, “What do you want?” and my dad politely explains that no spots are reserved and that it is first come, first serve.

Rick lost it and said he’d talk to the landlord.

Rick instantly starts freaking out, saying that it’s a handicapped spot, and that they’re gonna call the landlord.

They had little experience with my dad when they leased the place about a year before.

And during that time, he was diagnosed with cancer and lost a lot of weight.

With that, his appearance changed drastically.

Rick didn’t realize he was speaking to the landlord and kept his rant going.

The dad noticed something in Rick’s living room.

As my dad was going to lay it out for him, he noticed on a table in the living area that there was a pipe of sorts.

Paired with the behavior and appearance of Rick at the time, my dad concluded it was a pipe of sorts for drugs.

He backpedaled out of the conversation and returned back up to our condo.

So he called the cops immediately.

When he got back in, he called the cops, explaining the situation and what he saw.

Thirty minutes later, cops pull up and start talking to Rick.

Going off what my dad told them about the pipe, one of the cops noticed it, but this time out in the open with a bag next to it.

Rick and Tara were arrested and evicted from the property.

At that point, it was revealed that they were smoking crack, and they were both arrested.

Along with that, my dad also evicted them from the property for violating terms (obviously).

We ended up renovating the whole place afterwards, because who knows how long they’d been smoking that inside.

The upside is that the cardboard sign still hangs in the living room and gives us a laugh each time we pass.

Whoa! That was intense.

Let’s find out what others have to say about this story.

This would have been better, says this user.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Here’s some interesting info.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This one feels sympathetic.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This could be a good plot twist. LOL.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Finally, this user shares their personal thoughts.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

If you’re doing something illegal, learn to shut your mouth.

That should be a no-brainer.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.