Bride Isn’t Close With Her Fiance’s Family, So She Doesn’t Want Her Bratty Niece To Be A Flower Girl At Their Wedding
by Ashley Ashbee
Weddings are weird, because they often bring family together who aren’t close, hardly ever see each other, and may even have grudges against each other.
So the woman in this story is concerned about how to handle pressure to make her niece a flower girl, because she doesn’t see why they would ask her.
Check out what’s going on as they prepare for the big day.
AITA If I don’t want my niece as flower girl?
We are having a religious wedding in 7 months. We’ve had a civic marriage for 15 years and our kids are 9, 6 and 4.
We live far away from my husband’s family and just visit them once a year. They never come visit us.
His sister came once, but that’s it.
But plans aren’t going off without a hitch.
My husband has a sister with one girl, she will be 6 by the wedding and this girl is spoiled.
She’s even rude to us because her mother literally doesn’t like to say “No” to her.
Since we are already married with kids I think it would be so nice and meaningful to just have my kids as flower girls and ring bearer with us, nobody else.
We won’t even have bridesmaids or groomsmen.
But my sister in law wants her daughter to be a flower girl and I don’t.
My husband says it’s not a big deal, but it’s is for me.
And she is trying to keep the peace.
We’ve been waiting a lot for this to happen, spending a lot. And we don’t even like the girl that much.
I’m even trying to think what else she can do to prevent the drama.
AITA for not wanting her walking with us to the aisle?
Here is what folks are saying.
Ah, that explains it. I wonder why she’s a brat! Hmm.
She sounds like the type. Like mother like daughter.
Classy way to address the matter!
It’s SO bizarre. Even if they were close knit it would be so weird.
Whether or not it’s a “big deal” is irrelevant. It’s her wedding and brats ruin everything.
Maybe that family shouldn’t come at all.
Just a thought.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bratty kid, bride, family drama, flower girl, inlaws, niece, picture, reddit, top, wedding

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