When He Found Out His Neighbor Was Moving, He Came Up With A Plan To Get Revenge For Years Of Grief
by Jayne Elliott
If you have a neighbor you don’t like and you find out that they’re moving, you probably consider that good news.
In today’s story, instead of just being happy that the neighbor was moving, one homeowner decided to get revenge after years of stewing over their rude behavior.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Don’t let my neighbour build another story on his house, lose $600,000 when you sell yours.
I know this story because I am good friends with my my neighbour.
My neighbour, let’s call him Jon, 8 years ago decided that he wanted to build a second storey on his house.
But his property had a legal binding on in preventing it from being renovated unless all surrounding neighbours agreed ( this is called a covenant I think and it can’t be contested in the local council. This one was over 100 years old).
All his neighbours except one, let’s call him Alex, agreed to let him renovate.
Alex wouldn’t change his mind.
Now Jon is a big guy, ex-military and muscly.
He has a wife and two children but he is not quick to anger.
About twice every year Jon would write Alex polite letters asking him to lift the ban from renovating his house and every year Alex declined, complaining that it would be an eyesore
Literally every other house on our road has two stories but his) or that it would ruin the aesthetic of the street ( seriously? ).
Alex was also a complete jerk and a hypocrite playing loud music past midnight.
Jon got revenge when Alex decided to move.
Anyway for 8 years Jon would get turned down by Alex and then suddenly Alex decided he was going to sell his house.
The revenge was on.
After he heard the news, Jon bought one of those professional metal signs that people put in front of their houses when selling and put one in front of his own house.
On it read something like: ” 5 new apartments being built! Get in quick, two sold already. 3 entire storeys!!”
Loud noise expected for a year ” the number given on the sign was disconnected.
This was repeated in Mandarin and Aribic as well.
Alex went to his lawyer.
The sign was put right next to Alex’s house on the edge of Jon’s property.
The Auction for the house was going in a month and Alex was quick to get a lawyer against Jon to make him put the sign down.
I think it was because the sign was encroaching on his land.
Jon wrote about 60 letters to the lawyer and it cost about $50 for the lawyer to read each letter and give his legal advise to Alex.
The lawyer contacted Jon and told him if he did not take down the sign a week before the auction they would take him to court.
The day of the auction, Jon kept up the revenge.
A week before the auction, Jon took the sign down but he wasn’t done.
The day of the Auction arrived and Jon parked his four cars along the front of Alex’s house so no one could see the “Auction here” sign and so the auction goers couldn’t park there.
Jon has an inbuilt speaker system in his house and was blasting building sound effect and music throughout his house.
He had sound effects and his own “sale” to really sell the scheme.
He put back up the sign he put down and put another one up which read “House demolition furniture sale “.
Jon bought most of the furniture from his garage and the house outside on his lawn.
if people came to buy something he would overprise it outrageously because he didn’t really want to sell his stuff.
It was just to make the apartment construction more believable and give the auction goers a taste of how loud it will be.
Jon told the new owners about the plan.
When the auction took place we could barely hear the auctioneer, and when Alex complained to Jon about the noise Jon said that he had the builders on a contract and didn’t want to reschedule.
The house was estimated to go for 3 million but ended up going for 2.4 instead. Alex had to halt his construction of his new house because he didn’t have the funds.
Alex who according to Jon sounded like he was “seething with anger” phoned to tell Jon that he owes him $600,000.
The new owners of the property lifted the covenant when Jon told them about his plan. ” You guys should be thanking me, I saved you $600,000.”
I just would’ve been happy that Alex was moving, but Jon actually did help the new neighbors.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader didn’t like the story.
Here’s a tip about phone numbers…
This comment drips of sarcasm.
Another reader thinks this is just helping Karma.
This person was way off when it came to how much the house was worth.
You don’t want to get on Jon’s bad side!
He doesn’t forget.
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · auction, construction, home owner, neighborhood, neighbors, picture, pro revenge, reddit, top

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