Retired Police Officer Saw Someone Park In A Handicapped Space, So He Found The Man In The Store And Scared Him Straight
by Jayne Elliott
Handicapped parking is reserved for people who need it not people who are lazy.
In today’s story one retired police officer can’t stand it when someone who isn’t handicapped parks in a handicapped spot.
To get revenge, this retired police officer finds the person who parked in the handicapped spot and tries to scare him with a lie.
The revenge seems pretty effective!
Let’s see how the story unfolds…
Handicapped Parking
I hate it when someone parks in a handicapped space.
I have family who need those spaces, and I’m retired law enforcement, so I miss being able to address the problem when I see it.
The other day, a guy enters the small parking lot of the local beer distributor just before me.
I park legally and he takes the handicapped spot right outside the door.
He knows he can’t let it go.
I check out his vehicle, no placards or disabled license plate.
Thinking, should I say something to him, but why bother? Nothing good will come of it.
I walk in the store five seconds behind him.
So he lied to the man who parked in the handicapped spot.
He picks up a case of beer and gets in line to pay.
As I walked past him to get my preferred beer, I said to him, “A cop just pulled in the parking lot.”
He says, “Oh crap!” drops his beer, runs out to the parking lot, gets in his truck, and backs out of the handicapped spot.
The man is looking for the police officer.
I take his place in line, go out to my truck.
He’s circling the parking lot, looking for the cop.
He sees me, and says, “Where did he go?”
I answer, “I don’t know.” and go home.
If he had just followed the rules, he would have been done faster. I wonder if he realized he had been messed with?
I hope so.
I don’t understand why the man was looking for the police officer.
I expected him just to move his car to another parking spot and go back inside.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
He wasn’t exactly lying.
This person knows someone who shouldn’t be parking in a handicapped spot but does anyway.
Another reader’s husband was illegally using her handicap placard.
He is this reader’s “hero.”
This handicap person couldn’t get out of a handicap spot.
It’s not that hard to find another parking spot.
You’d think people would stop acting like this, honestly.
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · handicap parking, handicapped, parking spot, petty revenge, picture, police officer, reddit, top

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