Hard-Working Woman Wanted To Get Birds In Her Remodelled Home, But Her Sisters Demanded She Spend The Money On Them Instead
by Kyra Piperides
We’ve all seen toxic families on TV and even in real life.
But how would you react if your sisters told you not to buy something you were excited for, and to pay for them to go on vacation instead?
That is exactly what happened to this hard-working Redditor in the following story.
Let’s read on to see exactly what happened to her.
AITA if I get birds instead of helping my sisters?
I (34, female) purchased a large Victorian manor as a fixer-upper a few years ago.
It was a huge labor of love: everything needed replacing, from the roof to the studs.
Little by little, I slaved over it, making it my own.
At some point in the house’s history, a very large glass atrium/aviary was built in the middle of the house. It spans all four stories, doming out over the roof like a skylight.
In it is a mature tree that reaches the third floor, as well as smaller vegetation, a small koi pond, and two benches.
It is very much the focal point of the house.
It’s what sold me on the house in the first place.
Let’s find out what happened next.
The renovations of the house are coming to an end, including the reconstruction of the atrium.
Every month, a professional comes to check the thermostat and humidity, misters, water pH, etc.
On his next visit, he will bring the birds, teaching me how to care for them in-between visits.
It’s a huge undertaking and I am very much up to the challenge.
Read on to find out how do her sisters come into this?
I have two sisters: Ashley (25) and Katerina (36).
Our relationship is strained at best, as I am usually little more than a walking ATM to them.
The past year I have started to grow a spine, and they hate it.
I no longer pay their rents and car notes, and I stopped giving them allowances, asking them both to get jobs.
They say family helps family, and I’ve done well for myself, so I should subsidize their lifestyles (very expensive lifestyles, I might add).
Uh oh, entitled sisters alert. Let’s see what came next.
During recent conversation, I told them I was excited to get my new birds.
I had birds growing up and was eager to start this new adventure again.
My oldest sister says what I’m doing is animal abuse, forcing birds to stay trapped inside when birds belong outside.
She even threatened to call animal services on me.
My younger sister chimed in saying what a waste of money it is.
That I could be using that money to help my sisters, since I know they did not take a summer vacation this year that I usually pay for each season.
They really went in on me hard, to the point I started to cry a little.
My younger sister felt a little bad and said she shouldn’t have been so harsh but I needed to hear the truth, and my older sister said she had nothing to apologize for.
Let’s find out her toxic sisters they affected her plans.
I left their apartment on bad terms.
They are still really upset with me, saying blood is thicker than water (or in this case, birds).
I’m worried I’ve become so caught up in the excitement that I’m being mean to them.
With my sisters, there never seems to be an end to my responsibilities.
It’s exhausting.
I just wanted some birds.
But maybe they are right.
AITA for choosing birds over my own sisters?
It’s clear that whatever your views on the rights of the birds, her sisters are taking advantage of her and using her hard-earned disposable income for their own selfish means.
Let’s find out what the folks on Reddit had to say.
This person agreed that the sisters were to blame.
Many Redditors were excited about the house, and eager to see the original poster get her sisters out of her life.
This person agreed that the traditional view of family that the sisters were repeating was just exploitation.
While other people offered solidarity and encouragement about the birds.
It seems pretty clear that the sisters are toxic and taking advantage of their sibling.
Asking for help when you’re hard up is one thing, but denying your sister the ability to enjoy the money she’s worked hard to earn is totally unreasonable.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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