He Let His Mom Babysit His Son, But When He Picked Him Up He Discovered His Mom Had Told Him That He Was Going To Be A Big Brother
by Jayne Elliott
Some couples want to have lots of kids.
Some couples don’t want to have any kids at all.
It’s up to the couple to decide how big they want their family to be, but sometimes the parents of the couple want lots of grandkids regardless of how their children feel about it.
In today’s story, a mom can’t seem to accept the fact that her son only wants to have one child, and now, she’s making her grandson cry by bringing up the topic of siblings.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for flipping out on my mom for talking to my son about becoming a big brother?
My (38M) wife (38F) and I have one child together, a 6 year old son.
When we got married, we agreed we both only wanted one child.
A few years ago, my wife got her tubes tied.
I also got a vasectomy last year, just to cover all bases across the board.
We didn’t announce this to the family, but it also wasn’t a secret.
We’ve had a few people ask if we’re having another and that’s usually when it comes up.
He comes from a big family.
I am one of 6 siblings.
Our mother was one of 8 kids.
Most of my siblings have had at least 3 children, if not more.
Only my brother is also 1 and done.
His mom is not accepting reality.
Our mother struggles to accept this and has said several times that we’ll change our minds.
Even knowing that my wife and I physically cannot have more children, she’ll always bring up adoption or say that my procedure could be reversed, etc.
My brother and I always shut it down, have told her we’re not changing our minds, etc.
There was a negative side effect from letting his mom babysit…
Recently, she was babysitting my son while my wife and I went out.
We picked him up after and on the car ride, out of nowhere, my son started crying and asking if we were having another baby.
We said “no”.
He said that his grandmother kept asking him if he wanted a baby sister and saying that we should have another baby, he could be a “big helper”, etc.
He confronted his mom about what she did.
We got home rather quickly, consoled him, and promised him we weren’t having another baby, and that his grandmother never should’ve told him this.
I called my mom and got on her about this, telling her she stooped low by getting our son involved.
She said that we’re overreacting and him crying over potentially getting another sibling is ridiculous and we’re raising a spoiled child.
He doesn’t want his mom to babysit.
I argued no, he’s a sensitive kid who doesn’t do great with change, and she scared him.
I told her that until I can trust that she won’t say these things to him, her babysitting privileges have been revoked and she’ll only be around him if my wife or I are there.
My brother backs me up on this, apparently our mother tried the same thing with his son, and it lead to a similar argument on their end.
Our sisters think we’re overreacting and that this is a natural question and my mom is right that it shouldn’t have upset my son so much.
His mom was probably hoping the little boy would be excited about being a big brother and convince his parents to change their minds.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
I completely agree with this assessment of the situation…
The mom messed up.
This reader agrees that he did the right thing…
His sisters need to stay out of it.
His mom needs to mind her own business.
It might be awhile before she babysits again.
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, babysitting, big brother, children, only child, parents, picture, reddit, siblings, top

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