Her Partner Kept Making Fun Of Her Pregnant Waddling, So She Took A Photo Of His Bald Head And Threatened To Bully Him About It
by Ashley Ashbee
Don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house.
It’s a cliche expression, but effective. Kind of.
The woman in this story knew exactly what stone to throw and when to throw it after her husband was a jerk.
Check out how she handled his comments.
I mademoiselle ex cry about his bald head
Many years ago I was heavily pregnant with my oldest and engaged to my how ex husband.
I’ll call him Fred for this post.
I was very pregnant and to the point where I could no longer walk without waddling.
I didn’t mind some light teasing here and there but Fred had been making jokes every time I walked anywhere.
You’d think he’d catch on that this isn’t wise.
I asked him to stop and told him it was getting old.
Then I told him to stop and that it was hurting my feelings.
He didn’t stop.
We went to a baby doctor appointment and that day the hormones were hormoning.
He made fun of me on the way in and I again told him to stop.
He made fun of me in front of and to the nurses and doctors.
They didn’t laugh, but he kept going.
He made fun of me on the way to the car about both the waddling and the fact that I was too big to drive my car.
Then she played her best card.
I had enough and told him to look down at the steering wheel and I took a quick picture of the back of his head.
He had been balding and I knew he was self conscious about it so I never mentioned it or how fast it was progressing.
But that day the hormones hit the petty button and I showed him the picture.
I didn’t make fun of him.
Just showed him how bad his own bald head was and didn’t comfort him while he cried.
I calmly waited for him to finish crying on his own.
When he pulled himself together I told him if he didn’t make fun of my pregnant body I wouldn’t make fun of his bald head.
He didn’t mention my waddling ever again.
Here is what folks are talking about.
Easy with the puns, people.
Why? He sounds like such a peach! (Rolls eyes)
Sounds like it.
It would probably make the world more civilized.
Exactly. It’s just stating a fact.
I didn’t find this petty at all.
He was a problem and she stopped him.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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