His Late Sister Was Married To His Best Friend Who Has Since Remarried, But Now The Second Wife Doesn’t Want To See Pictures Of The First Wife Hanging On The Walls
by Jayne Elliott
In today’s story, a mom and wife sadly passes at a young age, and her widower remarries; however he’s still best friends with his late wife’s brother.
The second wife finds this weird, but it gets even weirder when she tries to tell the brother what he can and cannot do in his own house.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for calling my BILs wife insanely entitled after an argument over photos of my sister?
My late sister, Anna, was married to my best friend, Josh.
Together they had two children. My niece is 9 and my nephew is 7.
Anna died 3 years ago. Josh remarried 1 year ago.
His current wife is Hazel.
I’ll confess it has been awkward, uncomfortable and my BIL has admitted that he feels it too.
We’re still close, still best friends too.
But it’s weird and hurts sometimes to see him with someone else.
It’s hard for him because Anna was his sister, but it’s also hard for his niece and nephew.
I’m happy he’s happy, but Anna was my sister so the emotions are a lot more complex.
He understands.
My niece and nephew have struggled to accept Hazel.
My nephew doesn’t really remember his mom, but my niece talks about her a lot and BIL talks about her too.
He has never wanted to forget her/erase her or let her memory fade.
There are a lot of mixed emotions.
Hazel and I get along okay.
We’re not close. I admit that we don’t really talk or engage much.
There have been some weird moments.
She didn’t love me and my family being at the wedding or taking care of the kids that day (BIL asked).
She had wanted her parents to take care of the kids.
She has also said she finds it weird that I’m Anna’s brother.
While I struggle with Josh being married to someone who isn’t Anna.
But I’m also happy for his happiness.
Hazel wants him to take down pictures of Anna in his house.
A week ago, Hazel and I got into a fight and it has caused some extra tension.
She told me she was uncomfortable in my house and that I needed to remove the family photos of Anna, Josh and the kids and Anna and Josh’s wedding photos.
And even mine because Anna and Josh were in them too.
I laughed at first thinking she couldn’t be serious, but she was.
She said she always looks to see if I still have them and then said I should take them down and put up some of them (her and Josh and the kids).
She also wanted me to remove the wall of Anna’s art in our dining room.
This is different paintings/drawings Anna did for me/us over the years.
He told Hazel he’s not taking down pictures of his sister.
She told me Anna’s dead. Anna’s the past and she (Hazel) is the future.
I told her Anna is my sister, not her and I can have photos of my sister in my home if I want to.
She told me I can’t deny her this because I even have childhood photos of Anna on the walls and she’s letting them go even though she feels they should be gone too.
She said the kids see themselves in her kid photos and it’s making it harder for her to get into their hearts.
She told me I have no right to make her so uncomfortable.
I said she should not be this insanely entitled at her age (32).
That she should be grown enough to know she can’t dictate other people’s houses.
Anna doesn’t like her step kids spending so much time with him.
Josh came in and asked Hazel to go home early.
He asked me to have the kids three days last week too which we did.
Hazel didn’t like it and she accused me of taking the kids out of spite so I can fill their heads with talk about Anna.
She called me an insensitive jerk.
Hazel sounds really jealous.
I don’t know that the marriage is going to work if she can’t accept that her step kids will always love their mom.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader wonders why Hazel ever married Josh.
It’s too bad Josh and Hazel didn’t work out these issues before they got married.
This reader calls Hazel a “nut job.”
Another reader thinks Hazel could benefit from therapy.
Hazel was out of line to tell him how to decorate.
Hazel really needs to come to terms with the fact that there are a lot of people who will always love Anna.
And that is totally healthy and as it should be.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, best friend, marriage, picture, reddit, second wife, sister, stepmom, top

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