‘It’s the fact that it comes out of tax-paying money.’ – Mom Isn’t Happy That She Was Charged Extra Money By A Dentist Because Of Her Daughter’s Behavioral Issues
by Matthew Gilligan
Say whaaaaaaaaaat?!?!
A mom posted a video on TikTok and shared the surprising reason she was charged extra money after her daughter went to the dentist.
The mom said that her children qualify for Washington’s dental insurance, and they have private insurance on top of that.
After her son went to the dentist, she saw a charge of $33.70 on her bill because of “behavioral management.”
She was not happy about the charge and she called the office to find out what was going on.
She told viewers, “Behavioral management, that’s harsh words. Like, my son didn’t bite, didn’t hit, didn’t spit, didn’t fight you. What did you guys manage? What behaviors did you manage when we were there. Did I miss something? I’m really confused.”
The worker at the dentist’s office said that Washington State’s insurance offers the specific code for that behavior and told her, “so we charge it because we can.”
The mom said to viewers, “Imagine how many daily $33.70 codes the state gets for insurance and they just pay it.”
The woman acknowledged that her insurance would ultimately cover the charge, but she was still upset.
She said, “It’s the fact that it comes out of tax-paying money.”
The outraged mom decided to do some math and, after crunching the numbers regarding how many kids live in Washington, she estimated that the tens of thousands of parents being hit with this charge costs taxpayers in the state more than $1.6 million every year.
Check out the video.
@tw00dyyy What do yall think? #dentist #insurance #tiktoker #fyp #whatthehell #makeitmakesense #f #tik_tok
Now let’s see how viewers reacted.
This individual chimed in.
Another TikTokker shared his thoughts.
And this person spoke up.
This is pretty wild!
If you liked that story, check out this video about a mom who reveals the inappropriate healthcare questionnaire her 13-year-old daughter got at school.

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