Shallow Boyfriend Criticized Her For Not Dressing Up Enough, So She Dressed To The Nines, Invited Him For Drinks, Then Walked Away Without Looking Back
by Benjamin Cottrell
When it comes to casual dating, it’s easy enough to ignore the red flags at first.
But when this selfish partner started demanding she dress up more often, she started feeling like their dates were more like performances.
So when one final crude comment pushed her over the edge, she gave him one last look to remember before dumping him.
Read on for the full story!
Want me to wear more makeup? Big mistake! Huge!
Last year, I was casually seeing a guy for about two/three months.
Now, (without sounding conceited) I’m a pretty conventionally attractive woman.
I tend not to wear any/much makeup or dress up, as I genuinely dislike the attention and am lazy.
Before long, it became clear the relationship wasn’t working out.
Things had been going okay.
I was super into him, but slowly started to realize he was never looking for anything more than casual.
This came to a head one evening where he mentioned the fact that I ‘should really be putting more effort in’.
The boyfriend’s true shallowness came into full focus.
Naively, I thought he meant into the relationship.
Nope, he meant I should get ‘dolled up’ more often.
A lot was going on in my life during that time – family in hospital, lost my job, needed to move.
Makeup was the last of my worries.
He wasn’t exactly in the position to critique others for their appearance.
I also always looked put together while he’d meet with toothpaste on his top lip.
We worked together before and I never wore makeup then, so thought he liked me for me (lol).
After discussing this with my friends, I realized this was the final straw.
She comes to realize that his rude comments weren’t the only red flag.
He was selfish in bed and I’d basically been acting as his therapist/mother and I didn’t want a future with him anyway loooool.
So she decided to give him one last look to remember.
My flatmate is a hair and makeup artist.
She blew out my naturally curly hair.
She made me up soooooo beautifully.
I accessorized my long silk dress to make it a bit more casual. Wore heels for the first time in years (like 3” but still haha).
Again, not wanting to brag, I was stopped in the street while omw to meet him for drinks.
He thought so too and was so full of compliments.
Idk if I was looking too hard into it but he seemed kinda smug, too.
But his satisfaction didn’t last long.
Nah mate, this actually isn’t working out.
I think we want different things.
Also, you should probably seek professional help. E
njoy your drink!
I felt like Julia Roberts walking out of that bar, I didn’t turn to look but I like to picture him staring at me, speechless.
Screw you, man child.
Leaving him speechless was better than any shallow compliment he’d ever given her.
What did Reddit think?
This commenter thought the story was headed in a different direction.
This commenter feels she got out just in time to avoid falling into a trap they’ve seen time and time again.
The lowlife boyfriend got exactly what he deserved.
This commenter is inspired by just how well this petty revenge worked.
Nothing says “glamorous” like a confident exit.
As she strolled away, she felt lighter than ever, knowing her glow came from her own validation —not his.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · appearances, bad boyfriends, bad relationships, petty revenge, picture, reddit, relationships, revenge, selfish people, shallow, top

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