She Thought Her Daughter Was Walking To School, But She Found Out Her Neighbor Had Been Driving Her For The Past 6 Months. Now She’s Angry That She Was Kept In The Dark.
by Heide Lazaro
How would you react if you learned that someone was driving your grade school child to school every day when you thought they were walking to school?
Would you be infuriated or would you just let it go because, you know, it’s not a big deal?
In today’s story, a mom is furious at the neighbor when she finds out the neighbor has been driving her daughter to school without her permission.
Read the full story below.
AITA for yelling at my neighbor for secretly driving my daughter to school?
My (37F) 10-year-old daughter has been walking to school on her own for a couple of years.
She knows the route, she’s always on time, and she’s never had any issues.
We live in a relatively safe area, and the school is a 15-minute walk from our home, with ample sidewalks and crosswalks.
She was shocked to learn that her neighbor was driving her daughter to school.
Today, I found out that our neighbor has been driving her to school without my knowledge.
I’m furious and went off on her after I found out.
I feel like she’s overstepping boundaries and undermining our parenting.
Her daughter said it’s not a big deal.
My daughter told me she doesn’t think it’s a big deal, and that it was just some free rides.
I’m still concerned about the neighbor’s actions.
And I find it concerning also that she apparently has been doing this for six months at the end of last school year.
Her husband thinks she’s overreacting.
I told my husband (33M) we needed to set some serious boundaries.
My husband thinks I overreacted and should apologize for shouting at her.
And that it’s her business if she wants to give our daughter a ride anyway, even though we’ve explained our reasoning in the past.
AITA here?
It seems like the neighbor should’ve asked the parents if it was alright before driving the girl to school.
What do you guys think? Let’s look at how other people on Reddit reacted to this story.
Uh oh! Some harsh words from this user.
People are calling her out for letting her daughter walk to school!
Here’s another honest opinion.
This user shares a valid point.
Finally, someone sides with this mom.
How did this go on for 6 months without the mom knowing?
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