BMW Driver Blocked Their Driveway, So They Parked On The Street To Prevent Him From Leaving
by Jayne Elliott
If you have a driveway, that’s the place you expect to park your car.
So anyone who would block the entrance to said driveway has to be inconsiderate, right?
That’s the situation in today’s story, and the family with the driveway finds a way to get revenge so that the rude driver stops parking there.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Block my driveway 3 times? Enjoy riding the bus for the rest of the week.
A few years ago after a messy break up, I moved back in with Mum and younger sister for a couple of months to get myself sorted financially.
Also for context, around the same time as the break up I had also lost my job due to redundancy so I was actively looking for jobs.
My Mum lives very close to a major train station with a link into London.
As you can guess these trains will be full up with commuters going into London.
This resulted in the road also being congested every day with people leaving their cars for the short walk to the train station to get to work.
Normally this isn’t an issue, however one day a car (a BMW of all things) had completely blocked our driveway making it impossible for anyone to get in and out.
He had to reschedule a job interview because a car was blocking the driveway.
On the morning this happened I had a job interview.
I initially only realized the car was blocking me in as I was heading out the door to the interview.
I had no choice to call the job interview people and explain situation and that I would be a little late as I would need to get the bus instead.
They said it wasn’t an issue and rescheduled the interview to the next day.
I spent the rest of the day searching for work and peering out the window to see if the car had moved and it hadn’t.
Until I last checked around 8:30 pm and it had finally gone.
The same car blocked the driveway again.
The next morning I thought it was best to check to see if the car had returned and it did.
Blocking me in once again.
No big deal, I had time to prepare and I got the bus to the interview instead.
Arriving home late morning of course the car was still there and it remained there again all day.
I was eager to speak to the driver, as was my Mum as she had to park a few streets down due to not being able to get on her driveway.
The driver didn’t care that he was inconveniencing anyone.
We waited and finally we see a guy return to the car.
We approached him and asked him nicely to not park his car here, and we were greeted with a bad attitude and his excuse was “I pay my road tax so you can’t do anything.”
Even though it is in fact illegal to park in front of a dropped curb.
Regardless, the tight suited idiot speeds off in his nice BMW.
Due to his complete disregard of the inconvenience he was causing, along with the bad attitude, my sister and I devised a plan.
After he left, we parked our cars on the road, either side of our driveway, leaving enough space for him to park there if he needed.
He got to work getting revenge.
I was like a child waking up the next morning waiting to see if he parked there.
Much to my excitement he had.
My sister was off to work into London and left her car as she didn’t need it during the week with getting the train.
So, I reversed her car closer to tight-suited-man’s front bumper leaving about half an inch of clearance.
Then I pushed my car forward behind his so my front bumper was half an inch from his, leaving it impossible to get out.
Then went about my day without a care in the world.
We didn’t hear anything from him that night.
We expected a knock on the door in the evening asking us to move but we didn’t.
Perhaps he got the message and was too embarrassed to coming knocking with his tail between his legs with an apology.
Eventually, the car’s owner knocked on their door.
The next morning we moved our cars so he could get his out when he came back from work in the evening.
But the day after, without learning his lesson, he blocked our driveway again!
He said a bunch of other stuff, but before he get another word in my Mum simply said “WE PAY OUR ROAD TAX. SO YOU CAN’T DO ANYTHING” and slammed the door in his face.
The driver doesn’t park there anymore.
If it wasn’t for his bad attitude we would have moved right away but we didn’t.
We left our cars, blocking him in for 4 straight days until we moved them.
We haven’t seen his car since.
It sounds like he learned his lesson.
Being so inconsiderate to prevent people from parking in their own driveway even when they ask you nicely not to park there – that deserves revenge.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
This reader pointed out that the driver couldn’t call the police.
Another reader would’ve had the car towed.
This reader would’ve done more than just call a tow truck.
Another person shared a story about calling a tow truck.
It sounds like this guy actually got off easy compared to how other people would handle it!
Sadly, I don’t think he learned any lessons.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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