Woman Was Being Nitpicky About The Pest Control Spray On Her Yard, So This Guy Took Out A Tape Measure And Made Sure That The Spray Went Exactly 40 Feet
by Heide Lazaro
How would you please customers who are nitpicky and demanding?
This person received a complaint from his customer who wanted exactly 40 feet of pest control spray.
So what he did was get his tape measure and calculate the distance exactly.
Read the full story below.
40 feet exactly? Yes ma’am, it’ll be my pleasure.
At the beginning of this year, I work in pest control and it has been quite a pleasant experience, all things considered.
I get to meet some cool people, hear old folks’ wisdom, and meet lots and lots of doggos and cats.
The downside? The rich snobs and the Karens.
This man admits that he can be petty sometimes.
I am not a very confrontational person, and will always try to find a middle ground where both sides are happy.
However, when I am tired or just don’t give a crap, I can be a little petty.
One such occasion happened around the end of July or August, when we (my co-workers and I) go to service a home.
We do service the yards, unlike some other companies that will just do interior and foundation of the home.
He worked for a customer who was unusually nit-picky.
However, since some yards are very large, we only go out to 40 feet and spot treat the remainder of the yard.
99% of people are fine with that.
This lady who is the star of this event was fine with the 40 feet.
She immediately complained about the distance of the spray.
I serviced the interior of her home first, and noticed that she was following me around and nitpicking my work.
This isn’t uncommon, but she was being extra rude and it was the end of the day, so my patience was nearly gone.
When I moved to the outside and began with the yard, she immediately started yelling at me saying, “THAT’S NOT 40 FEET.”
He tried to explain, but she wouldn’t listen,
Our sprayers on a full charge (which mine was) will shoot roughly 25 feet, so I went 25 feet out and was doing a slow walk to cover the 40 feet.
I tried to explain this to her but she yelled, “YOU SAID 40 FEET, SO IT HAS TO BE 40 FEET EXACTLY!”
40 feet exactly? My pleasure.
So he brought out his tape measure, and sprayed exactly 40 feet.
Without another word, I went to my truck, grabbed my tool box, and got out my tape measure and measured out 40 feet.
I then did another test spray and wouldn’t you know it, I was spraying 50 feet!
I turned to her and said, “I apologize ma’am, I was over-spraying your yard. Let me fix that for you.”
She went back inside and didn’t say anything.
She returned inside without another word, and I finished up and left.
If she did report me, my boss didn’t say anything.
The one nice thing about her home though was she had a cute dog.
That was funny. Let’s check out how other people reacted.
This user suggests adding 50% to the bill.
This one shares their grandpa’s story.
Finally, this one is cautious about the chemicals.
The problem with some customers is they always want more, but never less.
Another day in customer service.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · 40 feet, customer, malicious compliance, pest control, photo, reddit, rude, spray, tape measure, top, yard

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