New Renter Found Out That Her Neighbor Was Calling In Complaints And Refused To Give It A Rest, So They Screamed At Them To Cut It Out Or Else
by Michael Levanduski
When you move into a new property, it can take a while to get to know the neighbors.
What would you do if your neighbor kept filing complaints against you for insane reasons?
That is what happened to the landowner in this story, so she put her in her place and now things are awkward.
Check it out.
AITA for threatening my neighbour?
Info first I’m 22F in NSW Australia.
I bought my land in March my neighbour is 56/F (B) and owns the house to my right which is on a corner, with how the blocks are my land reaches the road on both sides of her from the top to bottom. (diagonal block)
Now onto the issue:
For the first week after I bought my block everything was ok.
I introduced myself to B, gave her my number just in case B needed to contact me and went on my way.
It was the start of the second week when everything went south.
I decided on a Saturday afternoon to mow my block.
Who would call the cops about mowing the lawn?
So in my dad’s truck I hooked up a trailer, put my mower and whipper snipper on and drove to my block, I started mowing around 1pm.
Around 2:30 the police showed up because they received a ‘noise complaint’.
I don’t know who actually made the complaint but they showed up as I was mowing, apologized for disturbing me and left.
Two weeks later I received a letter from our council stating that I was illegally using someone’s (B’s) property as a driveway and I was to discontinue use and remove the concrete curb.
I spent three weeks arguing with the council using paperwork they gave me when I brought my land as evidence.
I own the 3 meters of land that is my driveway and that I was not responsible for removing the concrete curb as the council put in the curb years ago.
Crazy that a lawyer had to get involved.
After I had my solicitor send a professional letter to them they closed the case.
For the next three months the police continued to receive noise complaints and now trespassing complaints every time I was on my land.
Then three weeks ago I got told by a few people that B is notorious for making complaints about everyone.
This was when I admittedly got aggressive from the stress of being a new landowner, having a lot of bills to pay as well as dealing with a mortgage and general Covid stress.
Who can blame her?
I was not in a good mood when I next saw her.
Yesterday, I went to my block because there is an old basketball hoop on it and I was looking to see if there was an easy way to take it down without having to saw the pole down.
I also wanted to take photos to show a friend that was going to help me put retaining walls in so I can eventually build a kit home.
I parked my car on my land, closed my gate.
Halfway through taking the photos B comes out with a cane screaming at me to get off HER property and to stop taking photos of her.
(I was in the middle of my land taking photos towards the end of my property)
I bet she was shocked at this.
I exploded and shouted “Shut your mouth! I am on my property, also if you make one more complaint to the police or council about me I’ll file a harassment report against you!”
Yes I realise reading this back I was over the top, however, the amount of complaints she has made is ridiculous and the fact that she has a track record of this angered me to no end.
I told my family what happened and my mum and dad think ITA for reacting that way but my brother said she had it coming.
Maybe she overreacted, but the neighbor definitely deserved it.
Let’s take a look at the comments and see what other people think.
I’m sure everyone would have been happy.
Yeah, there was no threat.
Getting video cameras would be smart.
Here is someone who says to file a formal complaint.
This person recommends getting the property lines marked.
Sometimes a neighbor needs to learn their place.
And sometimes you just can’t control your rage.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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