They Purchased A Hundred-Acre Property For Privacy, But Neighbors Kept Walking Through It To Get To A Creek. So They Put Up A No-Trespassing Sign, And It Upset Everybody.
by Michael Levanduski
For many people, moving out into the country with a lot of land is a dream because they love the privacy.
What would you do if you bought a large piece of land and moved out there only to find people walking through your property to swim in the creek?
That is what happened to the couple in this story, so they put up a fence and a no-trespassing sign, which upset many of the neighbors.
Check it out.
AITA for not allowing people to access a swimming hole that has been used for generations, but is on our property?
My husband and I began looking at getting away from the city a few years ago.
We had a small checklist: husband wanted permanent running water, I wanted a house.
We looked at many properties before we stumbled across this one by a fluke.
It has two permanent creeks and a small house and is absolutely perfect.
The property runs adjacent to a national park so it will always remain secluded.
We both instantly fell in love and even though it was quite out of our budget, our parents both loved it as well and helped us purchase it.
The property itself is almost 100 acres and is the very last house on the dirt road.
(Also, I should mention that the seller of the property was an elderly man who only used this place as a weekender and owned his permanent home in the city)
It sounds like a beautiful piece of property.
One of the main things that drew us to this place is the permanent creeks.
They are full of swimming holes and one of the best ones even had a rope tied to the tree.
Real estate agents said that a few local kids had used it because previous owner was never there and didn’t mind.
The road turns into an easement to get to the national park entrance and the creek line is the boundary of our property to the national park.
The swimming hole in question is about midway between the easement and our house.
Over the years, this swimming hole has become well known to the locals and there is a path that has been made to get to this swimming hole that is on our property.
We certainly didn’t like the idea of strangers walking so near the house so Husband puts up a wire fence across the path and a no trespassing sign.
Get that woman off your property.
Within days of putting it up, a woman walks around the fence and to our house to yell at us saying that she has been walking this path and swimming for 30 years.
We politely tell her that it is private property and just because the old owners didn’t mind doesn’t mean we do as well.
Less than a week after this incident, somebody posts about the fence in our local suburb Facebook group and while many people were angry, many understood as well.
We’re not asking people to not swim.
That doesn’t seem like a lot to ask.
We don’t own the water, we’re just asking people to go to the national park side to access the swimming hole (because we DO own right up to the water’s edge).
However, about another week later, our sign is stolen and the wire fence is cut.
We have made it very clear what our reasoning is.
We purchased this property for privacy and so far, people are more invasive than if we had purchased in the city.
Yeah, I would be upset about this as well.
Just today, I was out mowing (we haven’t replaced the sign or fence yet) and 3 girls come walking from this path and walk directly across the front paddock, essentially our front yard.
People need to respect your privacy and stay off the property.
Read on to see what the people in the comments have to say.
This comment says to get the police involved.
This person thinks they should let them access the swimming hole.
Here is someone with some good suggestions.
This commenter says they are entitled to protect their property.
This person thinks they would be liable for injuries.
They just need to use the other side of the creek.
It’s as simple as that.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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