Neighbors Have Giant Maple Trees That Drop Leaves Into A Homeowner’s Yard, So He Started Blowing Them Back Onto Their Properties
by Mila Cardozo
Some people just create problems out of nowhere.
This man was bothered by his neighbor’s maple tree leaves ending up in his yard, so he started blowing them back into his property—is he trying to make enemies or something?
Well, after being yelled at, he wonders if he could be in the wrong for doing this.
Let’s analyze the situation and read the comments.
AITA for blowing my neighbors leaves back into his yard?
I have no trees in my yard. None.
He sounds almost proud of it.
My adjoining neighbors, however, both have giant mature maple trees that drop a ton of leaves, half of which end up in my yard.
The horror! Can you imagine?
I have a leaf blower even though I have no trees because for one, they’re handy for yard cleanup.
Also I just bought this house in February after previously owning a house with several large trees.
Well, I got yelled at by one neighbor for blowing the leaves back onto his property.
He knows what it’s like having trees, but still didn’t show solidarity to his neighbor.
Let’s see what people are saying about this.
A commenter shares their thoughts.
It’s the way nature works!
This person keeps it to the point.
Another commenter chimes in.
A reader shares their opinion.
A valid question.
If he keeps doing this, he will have a bigger issue than a few leaves falling into his yard.
What an absolute bizarre take.
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