December 11, 2024 at 7:22 pm

Entitled Guest Complained About Every Single Thing And Decided To Check Out Early, But There Weren’t Any Other Hotel Rooms Available

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/TalesFromTheFrontDesk/Canva

Hotel guests can be really rude and demanding at times.

This front desk manager encountered an entitled guest who kept complaining about little stuff in hopes of getting a cheaper price.

When he wouldn’t give in to the guest’s demands, the guest simply decided to leave and said he’d check in at another hotel.

That’s far from the end of the story!

Read the full story below for all the details.

That’s a hard no. And again, still no. Yeah, no. Not giving you this one, either. I’ll let you leave, though.

I had a winner here today.

You know they’re going to be trouble when they strut in wearing a shirt proclaiming ‘public land owner.’

My location is inside a national park. So great, they think they own the place.

This man encountered an entitled guest.

“I know the county has a burn ban going on right now, but since the lodge is on federal land, it doesn’t apply.

So I can start a fire on the grass just outside my cabin, right?”

You meant the dead grass, beside the dead, dry trees coming out of the forest, not 20 yards from your cabin?

“Yes, I want to start a campfire that I can enjoy from my porch.”


You could’ve walked 40 yards to the fire pits but I’m not selling you any firewood now that you’ve established yourself as a fire risk in the middle of the forest.

The guest asked for the manager.


Well I’m the front desk and gift shop manager manager, so still no.

“You know, since this is federal land I shouldn’t have to pay state and county sales tax. Take it off, or get me a manager who can.”

Well. I’m still the front desk/retail manager, and also the only manager on duty right now. If you look on that wall right behind me, you’ll note that our business license is from the county. So you do need to pay sales tax because we are legally required to charge it.

He wanted to get away without the sales tax.

“But I’m from Oregon, and we don’t pay sales tax there.”

Well, you’re not in Oregon right now.

“Well, Washington State lets businesses waive sales tax for Oregon residents! Can you do that for me?”

Do you have a tax-free ID from the US State Department?


Then no. That’ll be $98.73.

He also wanted to pay less for some merchandise he was buying.

“But these are 2 for $25!”

That promotional price is for the $15 T-shirts, not the $35 sweatshirts. You do not get 2 $35 sweatshirts for $25. Also, that special is for 2, and you only have one.

The total is $98.73. Will you be paying at the register, or charging this to your room?

Then, he decided to just leave, saying the place is a dump.

“Actually, I’m just checking out early. I don’t care what the policy is, give me my deposit back. This place is a dump in the woods. I want something classy that isn’t embarrassing to be seen at.”

Well, the cancellation policy I can definitely break for you, sir. I sincerely hope you find a hotel that meets your standards.

The front desk manager didn’t mention that it would be impossible for him to find other accommodation.

But, uh, there’s an agricultural festival, big bicycle charity ride, a baseball game, and a fishing tournament this weekend.

It’s not like anybody has any rooms on a summer weekend in a touristy area anyway. But especially this weekend, there are no rooms to be had. So have fun with that!

There isn’t a room to be had for probably a 2-hour drive.

I, uh, may have forgotten to mention that to him.

So, rude guest went back after 4 hours and wanted his room again.

So anyway, 4 hours later he comes storming back in demanding to know why his keys aren’t working because he wants his room back.

I sold that room 15 minutes after housekeeping cleared it, dude. Now get out before I trespass you.

What? You’re throwing a fit because I’m going to make you sleep in your car in my parking lot?

No, I won’t make you do that. It’s illegal to sleep in your car inside the national park unless you’re in a campsite.

It’s legal 40 minutes from here, however!

So again: get out!

Whoa! That guest sounded pretty difficult to deal with! Let’s read the comments from other people on Reddit.

This user calls the guest stupid.

Source: Reddit/TalesFromTheFrontDesk

This person shares their honest opinion.

Source: Reddit/TalesFromTheFrontDesk

An NPS ranger comments…

Source: Reddit/TalesFromTheFrontDesk

This user is impressed.

Source: Reddit/TalesFromTheFrontDesk

Finally, people are loving the story.

Source: Reddit/TalesFromTheFrontDesk

This is how you put entitled people in their place!

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.