He Keeps Finding His Wife’s Hair In His Food, So He Asked Her To Wear A Hairnet While She’s Cooking
by Jayne Elliott
Have you ever found a hair in your food?
It’s kind of a universally gross experience.
Is it different if the hair is your spouse’s hair?
Most people would say probably not.
In today’s story, a husband is sick of finding his wife’s hair in the food she cooks, and he thinks he’s found a solution.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for Asking My Wife to Wear a Hairnet While Cooking?
So, here’s the situation.
My wife loves to cook, and I truly appreciate her meals—they’re delicious.
However, her hair keeps getting in the food.
It’s long and tends to shed a lot, so it’s almost a guarantee that I’ll find at least one strand in every meal.
He wants his wife to wear a hairnet.
I’ve tried to casually mention it a few times, saying stuff like, “Oh, looks like your hair wanted to join dinner,” but it hasn’t made much of a difference.
Finally, I decided to ask her to wear a hairnet while cooking.
I figured it was a practical solution.
He wonders if he said the wrong thing.
She got really upset, saying it’s embarrassing and that I’m making her feel like she’s gross.
That wasn’t my intention—I just don’t love finding hair in my food.
She says I’m overreacting and should just deal with it since it’s not that big of a deal.
I think it’s a simple request to improve both of our dining experience.
Now I’m second-guessing myself because I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but I also don’t think I’m being unreasonable.
I can see both sides of this, but a hairnet seems a little extreme for a home cooked meal.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
He should’ve suggested a ponytail.
Here’s another vote for a ponytail, or maybe a bun.
Everyone seems to think a ponytail is the best solution.
He might’ve made her feel like hired help.
Her hair isn’t gross.
A hairnet would be over the top.
But she could do something to address the issue.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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