He Stole His Brother’s ID And Used It To Register His Cars Under His Name, So His Brother Got Him Put In Jail And Sold The Cars
by Jayne Elliott
Stealing someone’s identity is a crime, and in today’s story, this is a crime committed against a brother.
One brother steals another brother’s identity, and when the brother who has his identity stollen finds out, he’s determined to get revenge.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
You steal my identity? I “steal” your cars.
Names have been changed to protect the guilty.
Our 40-something neighbor Frank Smith has a brother three years older named Fred with the two similar in looks and build.
Apparently these boys were not obedient children and got into trouble a lot. Frank (mostly) straightened up by the time he reached 21 but Fred kept at it, with drinking, drugs, multiple DUIs, etc.
Frank’s ID wasn’t in his wallet.
While the two were still living at home with their parents in their early 20s, Frank happened to leave his wallet on the kitchen counter one night after coming home from a night out.
The next morning, he discovered his ID wasn’t in his wallet. Thinking he must have left it at a bar the night before, he tried locating it but with no luck.
Not thinking much about it, he just got a new ID.
Turns out, Fred stole Frank’s ID.
Fast forward a year or so and Frank gets a phone call. It’s his uncle whose son works at the county jail.
Fred had been arrested and their cousin happened to see him when he was getting booked – under the name Frank Smith. Turns out Fred had given the police Frank’s name *and ID* and was going to jail under Frank’s identity.
Needless to say, Frank was furious.
He went down to the jail to prove he was Frank and Fred was a liar.
Fred was ultimately sentenced to serve time and stayed put.
Fred also registered cars under Frank’s name.
During the time that Fred was in jail, Frank received a letter in the mail from the state BMV. It said that his two vehicles, an Audi sedan and a VW bug, were due for e-checks (emission checks).
Frank was confused because he only owned a truck.
He went to the BMV and discovered that these two vehicles were indeed titled in his name. That’s when Frank realized that his brother, who had lost the right to own a vehicle due to excessive DUIs, used his identity to register these cars.
It’s time to get revenge on Fred!
The Revenge
Frank asked how much it cost to get duplicates of the titles – $8 each. So he paid $16 and walked away with title documents for the two cars.
He knew enough of his brother’s friends to start calling around in search of the cars – lo and behold, he located them both (at different locations).
Frank is a knowledgeable mechanic and could start these cars without keys, but he knocked on the door of each house where the cars were. He explained to each person that he owned the title to the car, showing them the document, and gave them the opportunity to remove their belongings from the vehicle before he took it.
Here’s how it all worked out…
They understood and didn’t push back, taking their things out of the car and handing him the keys.
Frank proceeded to sell both cars and pocket around three thousand dollars for all his troubles.
The good news is that after his stint in jail, Fred got sober and became someone Frank could actually be friends with.
It sounds like jail time actually helped Fred out, and bonus that Frank ended up with some extra cash! Win win for everyone.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
Here’s another story about identity theft…
The twin in this story should’ve been honest!
This reader got similar revenge on her ex-boyfriend.
Another reader loved the “sweet” ending.
This reader was also impressed at the ending.
It’s great that the brothers ended up being friends.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · brothers, cars, identity theft, jail, picture, pro revenge, reddit, top

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