Her Cousin Is Mad She Isn’t Allowed To Invite Her Friends And Coworkers For Thanksgiving, Even Though She Didn’t Allow It When She Hosted Either
by Ashley Ashbee
Family holidays are usually close knit, but some people want to celebrate it with friends, too.
Unfortunately this can create problems.
See why the person in this story stood firm.
AITA for telling my cousin that she can’t invite her friends over for Thanksgiving?
I have a medium sized family nearby.
A few different aunts and uncles, cousins, etc.
Most years in the past one of my older cousins hosted Thanksgiving.
She is kinda centrally located.
This year she is having a major bathroom remodel and her place isn’t really an option.
Territory plays in to this now.
She normally is very welcoming to family and HER co workers and HER friends.
When I’ve asked if I could invite random friends over she said she didn’t feel comfortable with people over that weren’t part of her life.
I didn’t push back.
This year I’m hosting at my mom’s.
My mom is ok with me taking over this year.
My cousin called and asked what times she should be over and said a few of her friends and coworkers wanted to know what to bring.
She’s about to get a taste of her own medicine.
I told her sorry but that they weren’t in the guest list.
She seemed annoyed and asked why not.
I told her when she hosts she is very unwelcoming to people I would have liked to invite.
She argued that it’s different because I know them now through her.
I just said “look, those are your friends. I don’t make plans to see them.
I only see them at your place.” AITA?
Here is what people are saying.
Good answer, but I’m a roast potato person myself.
What a diva.
I think it’s weird.
Big main character energy.
Reciprocation is a thing.
The rules are actually for all of us.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bad cousin, friends, main character energy, picture, reddit, thanksgiving dinner, top

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