Her Pregnant Friend Canceled Plans Because She’s Sick And Stressed, But Then Gets Angry Because This Pregnant Woman Is Carrying On Like Normal
by Diana Whelan
Two 26-year-olds, both expecting, but apparently one of them is trying too hard.
When a supportive friend’s efforts to juggle pregnancy and life leave her friend feeling like a failure, things go from baking cupcakes to a meltdown.
Read on for the story…
AITA for being an overachiever in my pregnancy?
I’m 26 and I have a friend who is 26 as well.
We met as part of a larger friend group and have gotten closer since we’re both pregnant at the same time.
I’m 28 weeks and she’s 23 weeks.
We’re still friends with the other girls and see them regularly but we see each other weekly, go shopping, go out to eat etc.
The last month or so, she’s been canceling plans a lot because she’s not feeling well which is understandable.
Her husband is deployed and she just has her sister near her but her sister has a family.
I told her each time to text me if she needs anything that I’m only a call away.
I also made her a Lasagna which she’s been craving a lot and had my husband drop it off.
When life gives you cravings and cancellations, at least there’s lasagna.
She came over yesterday when I was making cookies and cupcakes for my nephews.
We were hanging out when she asked me what I did in the times our plans were canceled.
I started telling her that I caught up with an old friend who was in town, visited family, signed up for prenatal yoga.
I finished the last of our nursery shopping and started putting it together with my husband.
She seemed to slump so I asked her what was wrong, and she said that she wishes she could put her nursery together with her husband.
I gave her a side hug and told her I’m sorry that he’s not here, then to cheer her up I asked her if she wanted our friends and I to come over and help her?
It wouldn’t be the same but at least that way she’ll have her girls with her.
She stiffened and I let her go to give her space and started icing the cookies and cupcakes.
I asked her if she wanted some but she shook her head and just kept staring at me before she asked quietly why did I have to be this way?
Ah yes, the classic “offer help and still end up the villain” move.
I asked her what she meant and she just gestured in my direction and said “like this, why do you always have to make me feel bad about myself?”
I was shocked and asked her what I did and she said that I was always an overachiever but that she didn’t think I’d try so hard in my pregnancy too.
She started listing what I’ve been doing which is baking/cooking food all the time, staying fit and going for walks and stuff, keeping my house spotless, still having an active sex life and a social life.
I asked her if she wanted me to be miserable instead?
And reminded her that I did those things even before getting pregnant.
It’s not like I was or am doing anything extraordinary, just regular life stuff.
Ah, the “I just live my life and somehow it’s a competition” dilemma.
She shook her head and said that I just had to make her look like a lazy cow in comparison.
I was gaping by this point and what could I say?
She was accusing me of something I apparently did by being myself so I just asked her to please leave and she did.
I thought about sending her a text to make sure she’s okay but what would I even say?
I asked advice from another third party friend who doesn’t know her and she said that I should distance myself because she doesn’t sound like a friend.
I’m stuck in the middle because maybe my actions did make her feel bad?
But on the other hand why would they make her feel bad?
The friend’s response suggests that what was intended as a normal, active pregnancy lifestyle may have unintentionally highlighted her struggles, leaving the poster caught between being proud of her accomplishments and guilty for making her friend feel less-than.
Reddit thinks that the she isn’t an AH, but also that her friend is probably just struggling.
This person says she needs help, but maybe it can’t be from the friend.
This person understands both sides.
Sometimes it’s not what you do, it’s how it makes others feel.
Everyone feels sorry for this poor woman.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, comparison, friends, friendship, lonely, overachieving, picture, pregnancy, reddit, top

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