Her Sister Kept Throwing Shade At Her “Small Wedding,” So She Decided To Uninvite Her From The Event
by Mila Cardozo
Disagreements are normal in any family.
The problem is when it becomes the norm.
In this case, a woman shares that her sister, whom she already had a rocky relationship with, is constantly saying rude things to her about her wedding and never apologizes.
So she decided to leave her out of the occasion.
Let’s analyze the situation and see who’s really in the wrong.
AITA for refusing to invite my sister to my wedding because of how she treated me during my engagement?
I (27 year old female) am currently planning my wedding, which is in a few months.
My sister (30 year old female) and I have had a rocky relationship for a while, but I still considered her important enough to be part of my big day.
However, things changed drastically over the past year.
When I got engaged, I was super excited and naturally shared the news with family first.
My sister didn’t react the way I expected.
Instead of being happy for me, she seemed almost dismissive and changed the subject whenever I brought up the wedding.
This response from her sister threw her off and changed their dynamic for the worse.
I tried to ignore it, thinking she might just be going through her own stuff.
But then, every time we’d get together with family, she’d make subtle digs about my wedding choices.
She’d say things like, “Oh, you’re doing a small wedding? That’s… different,” or, “I hope the food won’t be too cheap.”
Those are incredibly rude remarks.
Still, she tried to understand her sister’s behavior.
It felt like she was constantly judging everything I’d planned.
I confronted her once, asking if she had an issue with the wedding, and she just laughed it off, saying I was being “too sensitive.”
The tipping point came a month ago at a family gathering.
She made a joke about how “it’s a miracle anyone would put up with me for life,” right in front of my fiancé and his family.
She tried to reason with her sister (again).
I was mortified.
I pulled her aside and asked her to stop, but she got defensive, saying she was just “joking” and that I needed to “relax.”
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it, and honestly, I don’t want her negative energy on my wedding day.
I want it to be a happy, drama-free day.
So, I decided not to invite her, and of course, that caused a huge fallout with my family.
My parents think I’m overreacting and that I’m tearing the family apart, but I feel like I need to prioritize my own peace and happiness.
Nobody would want someone behaving like this on their special day.
Let’s see what Reddit has to say.
A reader shares their thoughts.
Someone shares a few wise words.
This person has a different take.
Another reader shares their opinion.
This person makes a good point.
I agree!
Since she sounds so displeased about the event, not going is now an option.
She’s only getting what she asked for, honestly.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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