Her Young Cousin’s Problematic Antics Caused Concern, So One Bride-To-Be Questioned How To Keep Him From Disrupting Her Wedding
by Benjamin Cottrell
Planning a wedding often involves tough choices, but deciding who not to invite can be even harder.
For this bride, one misbehaving cousin might ruin the day, leaving her wondering if the best solution is no kids at all.
Read on for the full story!
AITA if I exclude one child from my wedding, but invite the others?
I’m getting married next year and really want to invite 4/5 of my adorable little cousins (ages 6-14).
But there’s one cousin that sticks out from the rest.
However, there is one Bad Apple (M, 9) who is the WORST and I absolutely can’t have him at my wedding.
I know he’s just a kid, but he’s obsessed with attention and needs to be the center of it at all times.
He says horrible racist things and is just so loud and embarrassing and will not stop.
The parents haven’t been much help in the matter.
The parents are invited to the wedding, and they are aware of the problem with their child, but nothing changes and he manages to get even more obnoxious every time I see him.
So now the bride is trying to think ahead to avoid any road bumps on her special day.
I’m considering not inviting any of my little cousins to the wedding, so that I can “fairly” exclude the Bad Apple.
However, I really want those 4 other cousins to be there!
Is there a way I can keep the Bad Apple away, while still inviting the other kids?
Or will I have to have a “child-free” wedding?
A harmonious wedding day may require hitting the mute button on one loud problem.
What did Reddit think?
While there may be no “perfect solution”, this pragmatic commenter offers three possible scenarios.
It’s her wedding, so she should get full control over the guest list.
Maybe just being upfront with the parents is the most reasonable solution.
Maybe the parents of this child should get their invites rescinded too…
It’s never easy to exclude someone, but at a certain point, you have to preserve the joy of your special day.
Perhaps trimming the guest list is the only way to ensure the day unfolds without a hitch.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, disruptive people, family, family drama, kids, picture, problematic, problematic people, reddit, top, wedding planning, weddings, young cousins

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