Horrible Boss Didn’t Let His Employee Go Home For His Vacation, So They Stayed At Work And Watched TV All Day Instead Of Working
by Sarrah Murtaza
Some bosses aren’t bad, they’re outright cruel! This guy’s boss is one of them.
His boss refused to let him leave work even though he was scheduled to go home and had a vacation planned!
Find out what happened when he was held against his will at work…
Won’t let me go home? Ok, can’t make me work!
The shipping company I used to work for would do crew changes in the US.
The ships were on liner route and would eventually make it back to the United States where crew members would swap out.
This is where it gets bad…
However, I then got a new job where the ships weren’t on liner service so usually your relief would be flown out to whatever country you were in.
It usually ended up being a nightmare with schedule changes, messed up flights, etc.
One colleague was severely overdue.
The company sent a relief out to take his place so he could get sent home.
They wanted to go home!
The company also has a policy that vacancies need to be filled before overdue reliefs.
However, they were waiving this for the engineer in question and sending him a relief first, then filling the vacancy later.
The relief gets there and the guy does turnover, teaches him all the specifics, etc.
The offgoing engineer asks ok, when is my flight?
The Chief Engineer tells him, oh sorry, actually we are not letting you go. We need to wait for the company to send a second relief because I used that guy to fill your vacancy. You need to stay here.
This engineer couldn’t keep his cool!
Needless to say the third engineer was MAD.
I think he had already scheduled a vacation with his family, like Disney land or something.
Anyway, the ship got underway to sea and he was still there.
Around 10 AM one day I went to the Officer’s lounge to get a cup of coffee and chill for a few minutes. I saw that guy sitting in the lounge in his pajamas watching the news lol.
And the next day and the next day.
That’s INSANE!
Instead of working, he decided to just watch TV and nap all day.
He said yeah, my relief is here. As far as I’m concerned my job is complete. They can not get me a flight but they can’t make me work!
After a few days of this the Chief Engineer actually tried to give the third engineer a disciplinary! He called him into his office and berated him.
Finally some revenge!
The next day the company called the Chief Engineer in the middle of the night (day time in America) and basically said what are you doing?? Let him go NOW!
The disciplinary didn’t go through, he got flown off in the next port, and he continued to draw overdue relief pay and salary those days he was not working.
Yikes! This guy surely has some nerves of steel!
I don’t blame him for chilling all day instead of working when he was supposed to go home!
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.
This user shares how their friend got stuck on a ship for over three months!
That’s right! This user thinks the boss kind of kidnapped the employee here.
This user has an important question for this guy.
This user is concerned about that guy’s family and their vacation!
This user thinks this story is absurd!
If the higher ups were actually thought things through, things wouldn’t have gotten so bad.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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