Recovering Cancer Patient Used The Disabled Bathroom Stall, But The Woman After Her Gave Her A Dirty Look Because She Didn’t Look Disabled
by Heide Lazaro
Have you ever encountered a person using the disabled bathroom stall even if they don’t have a disability? If you have, do you judge them?
This woman shares her story about being a recovering cancer patient. Although she doesn’t look like a disabled person from her appearance, she mentioned that she’s struggling to move and walk.
Despite her condition, she’s not sure if it’s okay for her to use the disabled stall in the bathroom.
Read the full story below.
AITA for Using the Disabled Stall When I Don’t Need It?
I (23F) am a recovering cancer patient.
I’ve been cancer-free for two years now, but I had very aggressive chemotherapy.
And as such, I now have a plethora of health issues.
This woman struggles to stand up.
I’ve lost enough muscle tone in my legs that I struggle to stand up, especially if I’ve:
1. Been sitting for a long time or
2. If whatever I was seated on puts my bottom below my knees.
I also struggle with severe muscle fatigue if I’ve had to walk a “long” way or for a “long” period of time
I.e. around the grocery store, in the mall, from a far-away parking spot, etc.
She went to the grocery store without using any type of mobility aid.
I needed to go to the store today.
I was alone, and I’m far too proud to use a scooter, because I’m very young and don’t look old enough to use one.
And I’ve put on a good bit of weight from the steroids that were part of my chemo regimen, so I feel embarrassed using a scooter or really any type of mobility aid because I know it just makes it seem like I’m too lazy to walk.
She felt exhausted and needed to go the bathroom.
So I powered through and walked.
I’m still in the process of getting a handicap placard, and there were no parking spaces close to the store.
So I had to park a good ways away.
By the time I got inside, I was already exhausted and also needed to pee.
She used the disabled stall.
So I headed to the bathroom and into the disabled stall because it had railings to hold on to whereas the “regular” stalls did not.
When I finished, I opened the door only to see a woman in a wheelchair sitting there, waiting to use it.
The woman gave her a dirty look.
She gave me a really dirty look, rolled her eyes, and wheeled into the stall.
I didn’t say anything, but it left me wondering if I was in the wrong.
So, am I the jerk for using the disabled stall?
I can see both sides of this story. Honestly, she needed the disabled stall as much as the woman in the wheelchair.
Let’s read the reactions from other people on Reddit.
Here’s a very good point from this user.
This person shares their personal experience.
Shame on her, says this person.
People are on OP’s side.
Finally, here’s another meaningful comment.
Not all disabilities are visible.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bathroom, cancer, chemotherapy, disability, disabled stall, picture, reddit, top

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