School Bus Driver Watched Two High Schoolers Speeds Through His Stop Sign, But He’s Conflicted On Whether To File A Police Report
by Benjamin Cottrell
It’s a pretty well-known fact that high school students don’t always have the best judgement.
This bus driver usually likes to give the youngsters the benefit of the doubt, but when one blew through his bus stop sign, he’s torn between filing a report out of principle or letting it slide just this once.
Read on for the full scoop.
WIBTA if I got a kid’s parking pass for high school revoked for running the red lights of my bus?
I’m a school bus driver, specifically a mini bus for special education students of varying levels of ability.
I was picking up a student this morning, and a car with two kids neighbor kids in it was stopped at my reds going the other way.
Then the students did something reckless.
Apparently loading my student and getting them buckled in was taking too long for their liking.
They just decided to go while the red lights were still flashing and stop sign was deployed.
His boss told him to file a report, but he’s not too sure it’s the right decision.
I asked my boss what the procedure for this was and she said there’s a police report to file, but not much usually comes of that but since it was kids at the school we service their parking pass will get pulled.
Normally I’d be 100% for mess around and find out, as you’re breaking an important traffic law that is literally in place to save kids’ lives.
The only thing that’s kind of hanging in the back of my mind is that what they did literally wasn’t dangerous, just illegal.
After all, he knew his students were safe on the bus.
My student was already on the bus and we were at the very end of a cul de sac so there wasn’t any other form of traffic at all.
The path forward is pretty much up to him and he’s feeling conflicted.
I was given the paperwork to file once I had the license plate, which I will easily get since I see this car every day.
It’s very unlikely my boss will follow up on what was a pretty quick, informal chat, so it really is pretty much up to me what happens here.
I’m feeling kind of guilty because it’s only November and that’s a long rest of the school year for a senior to have to take the bus.
There’s more than a few lessons to be learned here.
What did Reddit think?
The student’s actions were reckless, no matter how you slice it.
Clearly this student has yet to learn some important life lessons.
Perhaps this bus driver is being too lenient.
According to this user, it’s the driver’s duty to report violations like this, no matter whose feelings it may hurt.
While seeing shades of grey is an important skill in this day and age, but situations like this should be more black and white.
Ignoring a safety violation like this sends the wrong signal.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, breaking the law, bus driver, high school students, illegal, impatience, picture, reddit, rude people, school bus, school bus driver, top

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