Homeowner Bought Property That Includes A Cemetery, But Now Neighbors Are Mad They Won’t Let The City Put In An Access Trail
by Ashley Ashbee
Having a lot of land can be really neat, but it can also create problems with neighbors and passersby.
The situation in this story added another issue.
This one is quite unique.
See how these new homeowners are dealing with a new proposal.
AITA for not letting the city put a nature trail through my property?
We just bought a house this last March.
It’s an older home and had been vacant for the last two years.
It’s 5 bedroom and 10 acres, which include a cemetery from the late 1700s and early 1800s.
It is inaccessible unless you go through our property.
Word has gotten around recently about it and it has become the talk of the town.
And with that talk comes drama.
Last week city council reached out to me about adding a nature trail through the cemetery that would loop around back to our state park.
After talking with my husband we decided against it for several different reasons: we didn’t want people lingering around our property and don’t trust others to respect the graves.
My husband reached back out to them and politely declined.
They called back a few times after to try and convince us otherwise.
Yesterday someone posted in my towns Buy, Sell, Trade Facebook group, saying we were denying them access to their family members grave.
The backlash didn’t end there.
After doing research we found out that the person who posted the accusation was one of the council member’s sister in law.
After a little more digging we discovered that her great-great aunt was buried there.
We privately messaged her and asked her to take the post down.
She refused, saying we were the bad guys in this situation.
Since then my husband and I have been receiving nasty messages from members of our community.
AITA for not letting a nature trail be built through my backyard?
Here is what people are saying.
Well, that was depressing.
I’m not sure what the protocol here is. Talk to a lawyer!
That sounds expensive.
LOL I just heard Scooby Doo’s voice in my head.
Interesting. I wonder if the realtor addressed this.
Why is a cemetery part of private property?
This is awkward for everyone, for sure.
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Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, cemetary, city council, controversy, picture, property dispute, reddit, small town drama, top

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