December 16, 2024 at 3:21 pm

Grandpa Thought He Gave A Simple Instruction To His Grandson, But He Left Out One Important Detail And It Resulted In A Hilarious Outcome

by Ashley Ashbee

Source: Pexels/Barbaros Gültekin/Reddit

Kids are funny.

You have to be careful what you ask them to do or not do because they interpret things differently than adults.

And sometimes they just see a loophole and pounce on it.

Check this one out with this this kid and his grandfather.

Rake the yard

My son was always big for his age.

He weighed 10 pounds when he was born.

He weighed 50 pounds when he was 2 years old and was the size of a normal 5 year old.

So when he was 6 years old he was still really big.

He was not fat at all, just big.

Grandpa had a simple request. Or was it?

We lived on the farm with my Dad and one spring day, I had to go somewhere and left my 6 year old son with him.

They were going to do some yard work.

Instead my Dad decided that it would be a better idea to have my son rake the front yard by himself and he could take a nap in his chair.

My son didn’t argue he just waited for my Dad to fall asleep.

So my Dad is sleeping in his chair and he hears the sound of a tractor and doesn’t really pay attention because we live on a farm out in the country.

But the tractor is getting closer.

Then he looks out the window, and there’s my son on the tractor right next to the house and my son is waving at him and smiling ear to ear.

There’s a simple explanation.

Dad jumped out of his chair and went outside to see my son on the tractor with the hay raking the front yard.

My Dad just stood there dumbfounded, watching.

Then my son drove back to the pole barn and put tractor back.

He came up to my Dad said “I’m done raking now, Dadu.”

My Dad picked up the hand rake and asked why he didn’t use it.

My son said “You said rake the yard, I raked the yard, you didn’t say how.”

My Dad couldn’t argue with that logic.

My son has been driving the tractor since he was 2 years old.

It’s a small tractor that has been in my family since 1976.

Here is what folks are saying.

I don’t think Tim is this smart, thought.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

I bet it happens a lot.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Isn’t it good for plants to leave the leaves on the soil in the fall?

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Same here! But it was just to ride, not do a good job. Haha.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Well, aren’t you special.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

A neat kid!

He’s definitely going places.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.