A Waitress Gave A Creepy Customer A Piece Of Her Mind, Even Though She Knew There Would Be Consequences
by Diana Whelan
One young woman working at a Hooters was already in a bad mood, thanks to the usual stream of gross comments from men.
But one guy, who seemed more interested in her appearance than the menu, took it way too far.
What followed was a tense back-and-forth that escalated when the man didn’t leave a tip.
AITAH for yelling at a customer while on the clock?
I (24 female) currently work at a Hooters in Texas.
It was a busy day dealing with GROOOSSSSS men so I was already in a bit of a mood but one customer stood out to me.
It was mid-shift when a group of older guys came in and were sat down in my section.
There was one guy in particular who was eyeing me up and down right when I asked them if they wanted to start with drinks.
He looked to be about 45-50 years old and was balding (we’ll call him Jeff)… immediate red flag.
Sounds like Jeff was more interested in the view than the menu.
They all ordered margaritas and Jeff asked me if I was gonna ask for ID, I laughed and started to close up my book and walk away.
I turned around he whistled at me and was holding his ID.
I politely took it and gave a two second glance before handing it back.
The other guys at the table seemed to be just as uncomfortable as I was.
The whistling really got me going but I remained calm cause I got bills to pay and tips with these types are usually good.
When I came back from with the drinks Jeff commented on my hair saying it “lays nicely on my chest” whatever that means.
I didn’t know what to say.
It was clear the other guys were super uncomfortable, too, so I said a polite thank you and got started on their food.
Jeff might think he’s smooth, but that comment was more like a speed bump.
Fast forward after the orders and food had made its way to the table I did my usual check in.
I could hear them laughing from across the restaurant and they seemed to go quiet as I approached, I was able to make out Jeff saying watch this.
When I got up to ask if everything was tasting alright Jeff looked at the guys at the table and said “it’s tasting great but can we talk about those lips are they natural if so you’ve got a perfect set of lips.”
Everyone at the table and in the general vicinity went quiet because what the heck?! Like that had to be a double meaning but I was too grossed out to think of it.
About 20 minutes go by without checking on them and one of Jeff’s friends signaled me for the check so I brought it over and asked the usual together or separate.
Jeff insisted on paying so I handed the bill to him waited for him to finish up and thanked them for coming in.
Even the margaritas couldn’t wash away that cringe.
As they were leaving I saw Jeff’s friend start to put a $20 bill on the table and Jeff told him to put it away.
When I looked at the check to make sure it went through I saw a big fat 0 by the tip.
This is where I got a little petty but mind you I kept a very good composure the whole time I served them so I asked if there was a problem with the service.
Jeff smiled and said maybe next time pull your shirt down a little or wear a smaller size.
I lost it.
Guess some people think a compliment about a shirt is worth more than a tip.
I told him that the job was bad enough having to flaunt around like some show pony but guys like him make it even worse.
I even told him that the world would be better without bald headed dopes like himself.
Then I walked away.
I’m not proud of it but he was just so gross.
And I’m used to the occasional stares because it comes with the job I guess but this rubbed me the wrong way.
Anyways I have a meeting with my boss tomorrow and I’m expecting the worst.
So am I a jerk?
Now, she’s wondering if her outburst will get her fired.
Reddit says it absolutely shouldn’t…she did nothing wrong.
This person says she needs a new job (just not from being fired).
This person says she just ne
This person has kudos to give.
Looks like someone’s gonna need a bigger tip jar… for apologies.
Why do some people insist on being so gross?
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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