Utility Workers Keep Blocking Her Driveway And Hanging Out On Her Property, Leaving Her Wondering If She’d Be Wrong To Tell Them To Leave
by Heather Hall
Utility work in the neighborhood is always a hassle, but it’s even worse when the workers start treating your property like their own.
So, what would you do if a group of utility workers kept blocking your driveway and hanging out on your land without permission? Would you ignore it? Or would you confront them and tell them to get off your land?
In the following story, one homeowner is dealing with this very situation. Here’s what she’s considering.
WIBTA if I told the utility workers to get off my land?
I (33F) live on a small road in the middle of nowhere, and there is some utility work going on all over our area that involves crews digging trenches for connection lines and the like.
Recently, they’ve been working on my road, and the other day, I left to go to the store and there were four guys in safety gear just…chilling at the end of my driveway. They weren’t working or anything, just standing around and shooting the breeze like you do.
It was a little irritating since nobody spoke to me about it (they aren’t doing any work on my land; it’s all on my neighbor across the street’s property), but I let it go and went and did my errands, figuring they were on break or something.
When she got back home, there were even more guys in her driveway.
Except when I came home two hours later, there were eight or nine guys blocking my drive.
They tried to wave me down the road and got huffy when I glared and gestured for them to get out of my way (I think at least one guy recognized my car because he moved and dragged a buddy with him when he saw me coming).
I parked and carried in my groceries, and by the time I took the recycling out afterward, everyone was gone, and I thought that was the end.
Thinking it was done the day before, she woke up to find more guys and equipment blocking her way.
Except now there’s a group of guys and a mini-bulldozer thing (IDK what it is, it’s the small one they use for home landscaping reno) sitting at the end of my driveway.
I don’t HAVE to go anywhere today, but I was planning on going to the store to grab some snacks. I figured I’d talk to them before I left, tell them I don’t appreciate them using my drive as their break spot, and politely ask them to stop coming onto my property when they have neither permission nor reason to do so.
My brother (26M) used to work on a phone line crew and says I should just let them be since they’re doing work otherwise I’d be an AH.
Yikes. It’s easy to see her problem, but a little communication can go a long way.
Let’s see what advice the readers over at Reddit have to give.
This person points out that they should have somewhere else to park.
Here’s someone who would speak with them and complain to the company.
Another person who would contact the company and complain.
Yes! The best way to solve the problem.
Maybe they don’t know it’s her property. It’s probably best to speak with them directly and be polite – they’ll have no problem as long as she’s nice to them.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, blocked driveway, homeowner, picture, private property, reddit, top, utility workers

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