HOA Tried To Force A Father To Remove His Kid’s Playhouse, So The Neighborhood United To Fight Back And Change The Rules
by Heather Hall
Dealing with an HOA can sometimes feel like battling a bureaucracy that thrives on pettiness.
What would you do if your local HOA demanded you tear down a playhouse because it “looked like” a shed? Would you comply? Or would you fight back in a way they never saw coming?
In the following story, one upset father finds himself in this exact dilemma. Here’s what he decided to do.
HOA problems
My parents built a playhouse for my younger siblings.
Our local HOA claimed it was a storage shed and that it was on our neighbor’s property.
My dad knew it wasn’t because he had worked with the neighbor (Let’s call him Rick) to make sure it wasn’t on his property.
Long story short, my dad and Rick went to an HOA meeting. They pulled all the stops for this, taking measurements and pictures, outlining the yards from aerial photos, even getting a surveyor to take a look.
The HOA was not budging.
The HOA’s response was: “It looks like a shed, so it needs to go away.”
My dad was EXTREMELY mad and almost cussed out the board members.
So he went home and hatched a plan.
He convinced all the people on our block to build playhouses or “sheds.”
When many others joined in, the HOA had to change its mind.
Most people did, and the HOA went absolutely crazy.
Ultimately, they lost because the block showed pictures of the “sheds” and also managed to vote off some of the members a little while later.
HOAs are so dumb.
Bravo! That’s one way to make them change their minds!
Let’s see how the readers over at Reddit relate to this situation.
Hilarious! This comment compares an HOA to living with your parents.
Actually, they can sue and garnish your wages.
As this person points out, if you don’t like your HOA, try to get voted in.
These are excellent questions.
Bet his kids were happy!
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · dumb hoa rules, father, fighting hoa, hoa, kids playhouse, picture, pro revenge, reddit, shed, top

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